Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones

Mick Jagger, Rolling StonesClones & Doubles  Music  Jagger was replaced in '74/'75...probably again after that.
Jagger, Jade  
The secret Jewish history of The Rolling Stones
[vid] Rolling Stones Riding the Tongue

Israel  Zionism  Celebrity sanitizing Psychopathy
QuotesThe song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan.  In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him.  Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, help inspire their music!  Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", leaves no doubt to their allegiance!
[2009 Jan] Ben Affleck, Rwanda, and Corporate Sustained Catastrophe by Keith Harmon Snow The Gimme Shelter campaign set out to raise $23 million for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) for so-called “emergency humanitarian assistance” to help displaced persons in the DRC, and now it has spawned an industry unto itself.
    “The Rolling Stones are very happy to contribute to Gimme Shelter in support of Ben’s efforts to raise the profile of the conflict in the Congo,” one UN public relations agency quotes Mick Jagger as saying. “We all need to stand up and support the work of organizations like UNHCR who are on the ground offering protection and working hard to ensure the rights and wellbeing of refugees.”
    Does UNHCR insure the rights and well being of refugees? The Gimme Shelter film has been distributed worldwide via Internet, television, mobile phones, cinemas and hotel chains.
    Hollywood actorvist Mia Farrow—the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF—also jetted into Congo for the festivities. Farrow made a three-day visit to the DRC in December, 2008, and then made a plug for the corporate AID industry by “urging all armed groups in North Kivu to allow aid organizations to provide life-saving assistance to women and children.”
    The structural violence that allows for white actorvist jet-setters like Mia Farrow to zoom into and out of such complex emergencies as Congo or Darfur, to make films in refugee camps or hold press conferences in war zones, and to urge armed groups to stop fighting so that business operations can be transacted, is never explored.

In his book, The Ultimate Evil, investigator-author Maury Terry writes that between 1966 and 1967, the Satanic cult, the Process Church, "sought to recruit the Rolling Stones and the Beatles." During this period, Terry reports that a photo of Rolling Stones leader Mick Jagger's longtime girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull, appeared in an issue of The Process Magazine. The picture shows her supine, as if dead, clutching a rose. Terry's book goes on to implicate the Process Church cult in the Charles Manson and Son of Sam multiple murders. It was the former lawyer for the Process Church, John Markham, who recently ran the frameup trial against Lyndon LaRouche.

Kali  John Pasche was still a student at the Royal College of Art when he was asked to design an image for a Rolling Stones tour in 1971. As Pasche explains in this film Mick Jagger invited the young designer to his Chelsea home to brief him. The logo was initially inspired less by Mick Jagger's famous pouting lips than by the Indian goddess Kali who is often portrayed with a protruding pointed tongue. The image was an immediate success. Pasche was paid £50 and commissioned to design a logo which has featured on every Stones album since.

Before and after (visual)


by Donald Phau

NOTE. Through out the article we (Dial-the-Truth Ministries) have added some additions/comments. Our comments are in BLUE.Today, at almost any "heavy-metal'' rock concert one can hear the audience being exhorted to rape and murder in the name of Satan. Lyrics such as the following are typical:
"We come bursting through your bodies
Rape your helpless soul
Transform you into a creature
Merciless and cold
We force you to kill your brother
Eat his blood and brain
Shredding flesh and sucking bone
Till everyone's insane
We are pestilent and contaminate
The world Demonic legions prevail"
"DEMONS" by Rigor Mortis
Any loving parent today would be horrified and shocked to learn that their sons and daughters are eagerly listening to such evil. Perhaps though, some may think privately, "If only we could return to the 'good old days,' with the music of the Beatles." Little do most people suspect that it was with those innocent-looking Beatles, that most of the trouble started.
Modern electronic-rock music, inaugurated in the early 1960s, is, and always has been, a joint enterprise of British military intelligence and Satanic cults. On the one side, the Satanists control the major rock groups through drugs, sex, threats of violence, and even murder. On the otherside, publicity, tours, and recordings are financed by record companies connected to British military intelligence circles. Both sides are intimately entwined with the biggest business in the world, the international drug trade.
The so-called "rock stars" are pathetic puppets caught in a much larger scheme. From the moment they receive their first recording royalties, the groups are heavily immersed in drugs. For example, much-admired "stars'' such as John Lennon of the Beatles and Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones, were heroin addicts. Richard had to obtain blood transfusions, replacing his entire heroin-laced blood supply, in order to get a visa to enter the United States. (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.319)
The "rock stars" are also totally artificial media creations. Their public image, as well as their music, is fabricated from behind the scenes by controllers. For example, when the Beatles first arrived in the United States in 1964, they were mobbed at the airport by hundreds of screaming teenage girls. The national press immediately announced that "Beatlemania" had besieged the U.S.A. But the girls had all been transported from a girl's school in the Bronx, and paid for their screaming performance by the Beatles' promoters.
The money of the 1960s rock groups, which in somes cases mounted to hundreds of millions of dollars, was also totally under the control of mob-connected promoters. From 1963 to 1970, the Rolling Stones made over $200 million, yet the group's members were all nearly bankrupt. None of them had any idea of where their money went.
Between 1963 and 1964 the Beatles and the Rolling Stones laid siege to Western European and American culture. This two-pronged invasion from England was well-planned and well-timed. America had just suffered the shock of the assassination of President John Kennedy, while in the streets the mass-based civil rights movement had just held a Washington, D.C. rally, led by Martin Luther King, of 500,000 people. The rock counterculture would be used as a weapon to destroy such political movements.
Later in 1968 and 1969, years which saw a mass strike of students and workers in the United States and Europe, huge, open-air rock concerts were used to head off the growing discontent of the population. The rock concerts were devised as a means for mass recruitment to the drug-saturated, free-sex counterculture. For the millions who came to these concerts, thousands of tablets of the hallucinogenic drug, LSD, were made freely avaliable. These drugs were secretly placed in drinks such as Coca-Cola, turning thousands of unsuspecting victims into raving psychotics. Many committed suicide.
Less than a half century ago, our young children studied violin and piano, learning about the great classical composers such as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. As will be shown, the same record companies who today promote Satanic "heavy-metal" rock have run covert operations to destroy the musical heritage of these great classical composers.
For the past thirty years, Western society has been under the gun of a deliberate plan of cultural warfare, with the purpose of eliminating Judeo-Christian civilization as we know it. These plans must not succeed. So that the reader can better combat this evil, we'll go back nearly thirty years, when those four innocent lads from Liverpool, England, the Beatles, were just starting out.
Creating the Beatles
The Beatles first began performing in the late 1950s in jazz clubs in England and West Germany. These clubs, always located in the seediest part of the cities, served as a marketplace for prostitution and the circulation of drugs. Beatle biographer Philip Norman writes: "Their only regular engagement was a strip club. The club owner paid them ten shillings each to strum their guitars while a stripper named Janice grimly shed her clothes before an audience of sailors, guilty businessmen and habitues with raincoat-covered laps." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 81)
The Beatles got their first big break in Germany, in August 1960, when they obtained a booking at a jazz club in Hamburg's notorious Reeperbahn district. Describing the area Norman writes it had, "red-lit windows containing whores in every type of fancy dress, all ages from nymphet to granny...Everything was free. Everything was easy. The sex was easy... Here it came after you." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 91)
Far from the picture of innocence, the Beatles, even in their first performances, were always high on a drug called Preludin, "John (Lennon), would be foaming at the mouth, he'd have so many pills inside him...John, began to go berserk on stage, prancing and groveling...The fact that the audience could not understand a word he said, provoked John into cries of `Sieg Heil!' and `F____ing Nazis' to which the audience invariably responded by laughing and clapping." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, pp. 152,91)
Off the stage, the Beatles were just as evil. Norman continues, "while in Hamburg, John, each Sunday would stand on the balcony, taunting the churchgoers as they walked to St. Joseph's. He attached a water-filled contraceptive to an effigy of Jesus and hung it out for the churchgoers to see. Once he urinated on the heads of three nuns."(Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 152)
While in Hamburg, in June of 1962 the Beatles received a telegram from their manager, a homosexual named Brian Epstein, who was back in England. "Congratulations," Epstein's message read. "EMI requests a recording session." EMI was one of Europe's largest record producers, and their role in promoting the Beatles would be key in the future.
Under the the strict guidance of EMI's recording director George Martin, and Brian Epstein, the Beatles were scrubbed, washed, and their hair styled into the Beatles cut. EMI's Martin created the Beatles in his recording studio.
Martin was a trained classical musician, and had studied the oboe and piano at the London School of Music. The Beatles could neither read music nor play any instrument other than guitar. For Martin, the Beatles musicianship was a bad joke. On their first hit record, "Love Me Do," Martin replaced Ringo on the drums with a studio musician. Martin said Ringo, "couldn't do a [drum] roll to save his life." From then on, Martin would take the simple little tunes the Beatles would come to him with, and turn them into hit records.
Lockwood and EMI
EMI, led by aristocrat Sir Joseph Lockwood, stands for Electrical and Mechanical Instruments, and is one of Britain's largest producers of military electronics. Martin was director of EMI's subsidiary, Parlophone. By the mid-sixties EMI, now called Thorn EMI, created a music divison which had grown to 74,321 employees and had annual sales of $3.19 billion.
EMI was also a key member of Britain's military intelligence establishment.
After the war, in 1945, EMI's European production head Walter Legge virtually took over control of classical music recordings, signing up dozens of starving German classical musicians and singers to EMI contracts. Musicians who sought to preserve the performance tradition of Beethoven and Brahms, were relegated to obscurity while "ex-Nazi" Party members were promoted. Legge signed and recorded Nazi member, the late Herbert Von Karajan, promoting him to superstar status, while great conductors such as Wilhelm Furtwangler were ignored.
From the beginning, EMI created the myth of the Beatles' great popularity. In August of 1963, at their first major television appearance at the London Palladium, thousands of their fans supposedly rioted. The next day every mass-circulation newspaper in Great Britain carried a front page picture and story stating, "Police fought to hold back 1,000 squealing teenagers." Yet, the picture displayed in each newspaper was cropped so closely that only three or four of the "squealing teenagers" could be seen. The story was a fraud. According to a photographer on the scene, "There were no riots. I was there. We saw eight girls, even less than eight."(Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 188)
In February 1964, the Beatles myth hit the United States, complete with the orchestrated riots at Kennedy Airport, previously mentioned. To launch their first tour, the media created one of the largest mass audiences in history. For an unprecedented two Sundays in a row, on the Ed Sullivan Show, over 75 million Americans watched the Beatles shake their heads and sway their bodies in a ritual which was soon to be replicated by hundreds of future rock groups.
On returning to England, the Beatles were rewarded by the British aristocracy they served so well . In October 1965, the four were inducted into the Order of Chivalry, and were personally awarded the accolade of Member of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham palace.
Up from the Dregs:The Rolling Stones
The credit for the origination of today's blatantly Satanic "heavy metal rock," goes to the English group, the Rolling Stones. Their rise to fame was closely connected with that of the Beatles.
The Stones, as they were called, were widely characterized as the counterparts to the Beatles. "The Stones" were "mean,'' "dirty" and "rebellious," whereas the Beatles were the well-groomed "Fab Four." Though seemingly competitors, they were merely two sides of the same operation. The Stones' first hit record was actually written by the Beatles, and it was Beatle member George Harrison who set up the arrangements for their first recording contract.
Following the same game plan as the Beatles, in the spring of 1963 the Rolling Stones appeared on one of England's most popular family television shows, Thank Your Lucky Stars. Only this time, the reaction by the middle-aged viewers was quite different from that to the Beatles. Hundreds of angry letters were sent, with a typical letter stating "It is disgraceful that long-haired louts such as these should be allowed to appear on television. Their appearance was absolutely disgusting."
The program, however, had exactly the planned effect. Rolling Stones' manager Andrew Oldham was elated at the response. He told the group, "We're going to make you exactly opposite to those nice, clean, tidy Beatles. And the more the parents hate you, the more the kids will love you. Just wait and see."(Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.17)
In 1964, the Rolling Stones appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, as the Beatles had done earlier. This time though, the coast-to-coast audience beheld the spectacle of the television studio being ripped to shreds by Stones fans. Sullivan said on the air afterward, "I promise you, they will never be back on our show." The publicity, however, was exactly what was wanted. Within a few months, the group's records were selling millions of copies.
The plan was now to use both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones as the means to transform an entire generation into heathen followers of the New Age, followers which could mold into the future cadre of a Satanic movement and then deploy into our schools, law enforcment agencies and political leadership.
Enter Satan
In his book, The Ultimate Evil, investigator-author Maury Terry writes that between 1966 and 1967, the Satanic cult, the Process Church, "sought to recruit the Rolling Stones and the Beatles." During this period, Terry reports that a photo of Rolling Stones leader Mick Jagger's longtime girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull, appeared in an issue of The Process Magazine. The picture shows her supine, as if dead, clutching a rose. Terry's book goes on to implicate the Process Church cult in the Charles Manson and Son of Sam multiple murders. It was the former lawyer for the Process Church, John Markham, who recently ran the frameup trial against Lyndon LaRouche.
A key link between the Rolling Stones and the Process Church is Kenneth Anger, a follower of the "founding father" of modern Satanism, Aleister Crowley. Anger, born in 1930, and a child Hollywood movie star, became a devoted disciple of Crowley.
Crowley was born in 1875 and was called the "Great Beast." He was known to practice ritual child sacrifice regularly, in his role as Satan's high priest or "Magus." Crowley died in 1947 due to complications of his huge heroin addiction. Before dying, he succeeded in establishing Satanic covens in many U.S. cities including Hollywood. Anger, like Crowley, is a Magus, and appears to be the heir to Crowley.
Anger was seventeen years old when Crowley died. In that same year, 1947, Anger was already producing and directing films which, even by today's standards, reek of pure evil.
During 1966-1967, when the Process Church is reported to be recruiting in London, Anger was also on the scene. Author Tony Sanchez describes that Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger and Keith Richard, and their girlfriends Marianne Faithfull and Anita Pallenburg, "listened spellbound as Anger turned them on to Crowley's powers and ideas."(Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.155)
While in England, Anger worked on a film dedicated to Aleister Crowley, called Lucifer Rising. The film brought together the Process Church, the Manson Family cult, and the Rolling Stones. The music for the film was composed by Mick Jagger. Process Church follower Marianne Faithfull went all the way to Egypt to participate in the film's depiction of a Black Mass. The part of Lucifer was played by a guitarist of a California rock group, Bobby Beausoleil. Beausoleil was a member of the Manson Family, and Anger's homosexual lover.
A few months after filming under Anger's direction in England, Beausoleil returned to California to commit the first of the Manson family's series of gruesome murders. Beausoleil was later arrested and is now serving a life sentence in prison along with Manson. Having lost his star performer, Anger then asked Mick Jagger to play Lucifer. He finally settled upon Anton La Vey, author of The Satanic Bible and head of the First Church of Satan, to play the part. The film was released in 1969 with the title Invocation To My Demon Brother.
In London, Anger had succeeded in recruiting to Satanism the girlfriend of one of the Rolling Stones, Anita Pallenberg. Pallenberg had met the Rolling Stones in 1965. She immediately began sexual relations with three out of the five members of the group.
Anger, commenting on Anita, said, "I believe that Anita is, for want of a better word, a witch...The occult unit within the Stones was Keith and Anita...and Brian. You see, Brian was a witch too."
One of the group's friends, Tony Sanchez, writes of Pallenberg in his book, Up and Down with the Rolling Stones, "She was obsessed with black magic and began to carry a string of garlic with her everywhere--even to bed--to ward off vampires. She also had a strange mysterious old shaker for holy water which she used for some of her rituals. Her ceremonies became increasingly secret, and she warned me never to interrupt her when she was working on a spell."(Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.159)
He continues, "In her bedroom she kept a huge, ornate carved chest, which she guarded so jealously that I assumed it was her drug stash. The house was empty one day, and I decided to take a peep inside. The drawers were filled with scraps of bone, wrinkled skin and fur from some strange animals."(Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.159)
In 1980, the seventeen-year-old caretaker of Keith Richard's New England estate was found shot to death in Anita Pallenberg's bed. The death, ruled a suicide, was with Pallenberg's gun. Richard's house was located near the East Coast headquarters of the Process Church. According to an article in the English newspaper Midnite, a Connecticut police officer, Michael Passaro, who had responed to the "suicide'' reported "strange singing" from the woods a quarter mile from the Richard's mansion.
The newpaper continues, "There have been several bizarre satanic rituals in the area over the past five years. A local reporter attributed the outbreak of occultism to 'rich people taking Acid.'"
In 1967, reflecting their ongoing association with Anger and the Process Church, the Rolling Stones released their first rock album openly celebrating the Devil, titled, Their Satanic Majesties Request. A few months earlier, the Beatles had released their first album dedicated to the promotion of psychedelic drugs, Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The album contained a fantasized version of an LSD trip, called "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", or L.S.D. for short. It became a top seller.
Clearly, the Beatles' album was dedicated to Satanist Aleister Crowley. It was released 20 years, nearly to the day, after Crowley's death in 1947, and its title song began with the lyrics, "It was twenty years ago today..." The album's cover featured a picture of Crowley.
One month after the album's release, the Beatles shocked the world by announcing, publicly, that they were regularly taking LSD. Beatle member Paul McCartney, in an interview withLife magazine said, "LSD opened my eyes. We only use one-tenth of our brain." They also publicly called for the legalization of marijuana.
The cat was now out of the bag, but the protests were few and minor. In England, the BBC banned "A Day in the Life," and in the U.S.A., Maryland Governor Spiro T.Agnew, who would later be watergated, launched a campaign to ban "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds."
Dial-the-Truth Ministries - ADDENDUM
Aliester Crowley is without a doubt, the main spiritual "teacher" of rock music. Crowley's mission in life was to destroy Jesus Christ and Christianity, while exalting sex perversion, drugs, magick and Satan.
Aliester Crowley spews his hatred of Jesus Christ in The World's Tragedy:
"I do not wish to argue that the doctrines of Jesus, they and they alone, have degraded the world to it's present condition.I take it that Christianity is not only the cause but the symptom of slavery." (Aleister Crowley, The World's Tragedy, p. XXXIX)"That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I HATE and will DESTROY." (Aleister Crowley, The World's Tragedy, p. XXXI)
In the introduction of The World's Tragedy, Israel Regardie says:
"This long, almost epic poem is one of the most bitter and vicious diatribes against Christianity that I have ever read."
Crowley's most famous teaching, "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law" became the "mantra" of the 60's revolution of drugs, sexual perversion and anti-Christianity. "Do your own thing" — "If it feels good do it".THE BEATLES & CROWLEY
According to The All Music Guide, The Beatle's Sgt. Pepper album, "will forever be known as the recording that changed rock & roll". Time magazine said, Sgt Pepper's was "drenched in drugs." (Time, Sept. 26, 1967, p.62)
The cover of Sgt. Pepper's showed the Beatles with a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROS . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12)
One of the Beatle's heros included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Aliester Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.

Sgt. Pepper   ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROS . . ."

   "Hero" Aliester Crowley is second from left on the top row:
The Bealtes apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":
"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibilty, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon & Yoko Ono", by David Sheff & G. Barry Golson, p. 61)"They're COMPLETELY ANTI-CHRIST. I mean, I am anti-Christ as well, but they're so anti-Christ they shock me which isn't an easy thing."
Derek Taylor, Press Officer for the Beatles (Saturday Evening Post, Aug. 8, 1964).
"Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic spaniard."
(John Lennon, A Spaniard in the Works, p.14)
"Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. . . .We're more popular than Jesus now."
John Lennon (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)
LED ZEPPELINOne of Crowley's most devout disciples is Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page. Page, even bought Crowley's "house of horrors" — Bokestine, located on Lock Ness. Boleskine was the home Crowley performed his "satanic-magick", including blood sacrifices. Crowley was buried inside a dark chamber in Boleskine. Crowley's most famous teaching was "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law". Page had inscribed in the vinyl on Zeppelin's Third album, Led Zeppelin III, "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be." Unbeknown to concert goers, Page would actually perform Crowley rituals during some of Zeppelin's concerts.

Ozzy Osbourne called Crowley a "phenoomenon of his time" (Circus, August, 26, 1980) Ozzy even recorded a song of tribute to Crowley — Mr. Crowley:
. . . You fooled all the people with magic
You waited on Satan's call . . .
Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse
Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy, known for uncontrollable and violent acts, confessed in an interview:
"I really wish I knew why I've done some of the things I've done over the years. I don't know if I'm a medium for some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it's not what I think it is - Satan".
Ozzy Osbourne (Hit Parader, Feb., 1978, p.24)
THE DOORSJim Morrison, superstar of the Doors, who died "mysteriously" on July 3, 1971 was deeply involved in the occult . Morrison married his wife at a Wicca wedding standing in a pentagram and drinking each others blood.

   The backcover of the Doors album "13", shows the group gathered around a bust of Aliester Crowley.
Morrison admitted that Satan was the source of his music:
"I met the Spirit of Music. . . . An appearance of the devil in a Venice canal. Running, I saw a Satan or Satyr, moving beside me, a fleshly shadow of my secret mind, . . ."
(The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison, p. 36-38)Ray Manaxrek of the Doors, says of Morrison:
"He was not a performer. He was not an entertainer. He was not a showman. He was a shaman. He was possessed."
"While [Jim Morrison] he was staying at the Chateau Marmont, he spent a few wild nights with a buxom neighbor . . . once waking up in a tangle of bloody sheets after they shared champagne glasses of each other's blood."
(Pamela Des Barres, Rock Bottom, p. 208)
Many other rock artists "studied" Crowley such as: Marc Bolan, David Bowie, Graham Bond, Sting, Daryl Hall, King Daimond, Bruce Dickinson, Stiv Bators, et al.

Creating the Counterculture
The year 1967 marked a significant escalation in open cultural warfare against the youth of the United States. The year saw the beginning of mass, open-air rock concerts. In the two years which followed, over 4 million young people attended a series of nearly a dozen of these "festivals," becoming the victims of planned, wide-scale drug experimentation. Mind destroying hallucinogenic drugs such as PCP, STP, and the Beatles-promoted LSD, were freely distributed at these concerts. These millions of attendees would afterward return to their homes to become the messengers and promoters of the new drug culture, or what came to be called the "New Age."
The first rock festival, "The First Annual Monterey International Pop Festival," was attended by over 100,000 youngsters. The real purpose of Monterey Pop was the widespread distrubution of a new type of drugs, classified as psychedelics or hallucinogens, such as LSD. At Monterey, thousands of younger teen-agers were introduced to the new hallucinogenic drugs.
The first experimentation with LSD was begun in the early sixties, in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco. The project was run by a joint CIA-British intelligence task force under the code-name MK-Ultra. Part of the project called for the free distribution of 5,000 tablets of LSD through a commune known as Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters. LSD's after-effects were then closely studied.

"We must always remember to thank the CIA and the army for LSD, by the way. That's what people forget. . ."
("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon & Yoko Ono", by David Sheff & G. Barry Golson, p. 123)
Dial-the-Truth Ministries - ADDENDUM
Kesey, a so-called "poet" and convicted drug felon, became famous for driving around California in a painted-up bus with his commune, the Merry Pranksters, distributing LSD-laced Kool Aid to the unsuspecting.
The effect of LSD is to make the victim psychotic, along with the inability to discern reality from drug-induced hallucinations. For many, this psychosis (also called a "bad trip") could and did lead to suicide. When an individual is given LSD without his knowledge, the psychosis-producing capabilities of the drug are amplified, and usually leave the victim with permanent brain damage.
The organizer of the Monterey festival was John Phillips, a member of the rock group the Mommas and the Papas. Phillips, as we shall see, was a drug pusher and closely tied in with the network of Satanists around Charles Manson and director Roman Polanski.
Phillips appointed a board of directors to promote and finance the concert. The members of the board brought together a network of British intelligence operatives and Satanists. The board of directors included Andrew Oldham (the Rolling Stones manager), the Stones leader Mick Jagger, Beatle Paul McCartney and Phillips' friend, record producer Terry Melcher, the son of Doris Day.
The concert, including the staging and the huge innovative outdoor amplification, was run by Phillips. It was the first time that an American audience was exposed to such openly demonic British groups as The Who, and Jimi Hendrix. At the conclusion of their act, The Who, in a drug-crazed frenzy, destroyed all their guitars, amplifiers, and drums. Hendrix simulated masturbation with his guitar, on stage, while performing at ear-splitting volume levels.
There was massive, open use of drugs. Author Robert Santelli, in his book, Aquarius Rising, writes "LSD was in abundance at Monterey. Tabs of `Monterey Purple' were literally given to anyone wishing to experiment a little." The police made no arrests, setting another precedent for future outdoor concerts.
There was a larger scheme in operation. The scheme was tied into MK-Ultra and it involved using Satanists around Phillips, along with agents such as Ken Kesey and Timothy Leary. The plan was to turn nearby San Francisco into a Satanist gaming preserve, mass recruiting and perverting young run-away teenagers.
Phillips had earlier written the music to a song called "San Francisco" which sold over 5 million copies. The song called for youth throughout the country to come to San Francisco "with flowers in their hair." The song was a rallying cry to tens of thousands who came flooding into San Francisco in the summer of 1968 to join the new "hippie" movement, misnamed the Summer of Love. Some who came became the prey for the likes of Charles Manson, who recruited his cult-"family" exclusively from runaway youth.

Dial-the-Truth Ministries - ADDENDUM
Timothy Leary, an Harvard psychologist, who was the LSD "guru" of the 60's. Leary preached spiritual "enlightenment" could be obtained by LSD. Many rockers, like the Beatles, were deeply influenced by Leary. The Beatle's song "Come Together" was dedicated to Leary, and Leary even sang background on Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance".
Leary was also a very serious follower of Crowley. On PBS Late Night America, Leary admitted to being an "admirer" of Crowley and Leary believed he was carrying on Crowley's work:
"Well I've been an admirer of Aleister Crowley. I think that I'm carrying on much of the work that he started over a hundred years ago, and I think the 60's themselves. . . He was in favor of finding yourself, and 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law' under love. It was a very powerful statement. I'm sorry he isn't around now to appreciate the glories he started."
(PBS Late Night America, from "Hells Bells video, Reel to Real Ministries) Listen to it in RealAudio.

Manson and the Rock Stars
Charles Manson has been portrayed as a lone psychotic who had hypnotic power over his "Family". In reality, Manson was well-known to a whole network of Hollywood actors, actresses, promoters, partners and rock stars, and was providing sex and drugs to many of them.
In his autobiography, Papa John, Phillips tells of an invitation he received to join Terry Melcher and Beach Boy member Dennis Wilson, at Wilson's mansion. Wilson said, "This guy Charlie's here with all these great-looking chicks. He plays guitar and he's a real wild guy. He has all these chicks hanging out like servants. You can come over and just screw any of them you want. It's a great party."
Manson's entire "Family" moved into the Beach Boys' mansion for nearly a year. The Beach Boys, who have performed at the White House, are the top recording group of EMI's subsidiary, Capitol Records.
On Sunday, August 10, 1969, Manson sent four members of his cult for their last visit to Melcher's house. This time Melcher wasn't there, but the actress Sharon Tate, wife of movie director Roman Polanski, and three others, were. When the group left, Tate and the others had been savagely mutilated and murdered. As for Phillips, in June 1980, he was arrested for running a large-scale drug wholesaling operation.
The Age of Aquarius
The largest concert after Monterey Pop, the "Woodstock Music and Art Fair," would be what Time magazine celebrated as an "Aquarian Festival"' and "history's largest happening." The term "Aquarian" was carefully chosen. The Aquarian age signified that the "Age of Pisces," which is the age of Christ, had come to an end.
At Woodstock, a small town in upstate New York, nearly half a million youth gathered to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm. The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with psychedelic drugs, and kept awake continously for three straight days, and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials. Security for the concert was provided by a hippie commune trained in the mass distribution of LSD.
Once again, it would be the networks of British military intelligence which would be the initiators. Woodstock was the brain child of Artie Kornfeld, the director of EMI's Capitol Record's, Contemporary Projects Division. The original funding was provided by the heir of a large Pennsylvania-based pharmaceutical company, John Roberts, and two other partners. It was another pharmaceutical company, the Swiss-based Sandoz Laboratories, which had first synthesized LSD. Roberts would later be accused of using his company for the mass drugging of the attendees.
Little adequate preparations were made for the nearly half a million people who came. Joel Rosenman, one of the three partners, writes, as the concert neared, "Food and water were clearly going to be in short supply, sanitary facilities overtaxed, tempers short, drugs overabundant. Worst of all, there was no way for anyone who wanted to, to leave." Sitting in your own excrement was actually part of the plan, as John Roberts jokingly wrote, "We're going to hand out bananas at the gate to bind our patrons."
A hippie commune called the Hog Farm, had a special role at Woodstock. The Hog Farm was led by a man nicknamed Wavy Graver, who was a former member of Ken Kesey's MK-Ultra operation, the Merry Pranksters. Communes like the Hog Farm were commonly found in the remote parts of California and served as the breeding grounds for Satanic cults, as well as terrorist groups. Members of these communes continually interchanged with other communes and were the recruiting grounds for the Process Church and Manson. Hog Farm member Diane Lake was a member of Charles Manson's Family, at the time of the massacre of Sharon Tate and her guests.
On August 14, one day before the scheduled opening, the entire festival security force, comprised of 350 off-duty New York City cops, pulled out. A spokesman for the New York police claimed that no official arrangement was ever made with the city, a claim the promoters vehemently denied. In an August 15, 1969 New York Times article, the head of Woodstock's security said, "Now I don't have any security at all. I've been struck. We're having the biggest collection of kids there's ever been in this country without any police protection." Not surprisingly, the Hog Farm was put in charge of security.
Woodstock funder and director John Roberts, openly admitted that he was well aware of the Hog Farm's connection to drug distribution. He writes, "their fee was simply transportation to and from the festival... a peace-keeping force that looked, talked, and smelled like the crowd would be both highly credible and highly effective... and the most important, they were wise in the ways of drugs, knowing good acid from bad, good trips from bummers, good medicine from poison, etc."
The Hog Farm at the time was living in New Mexico's mountains. Roberts chartered a Boeing 727, at a cost of $17,000, and flew 100 of them to New York.
To clear the final path for the planned drugging of half a million youngsters, the district attorney for the area agreed privately that there would be no arrests or prosecutions for violations of drug laws. John Roberts writes, "The District Attorney...recognized early on that many of our customers would be using illegal drugs, but also recognized that such use would be the least of our problems over the course of the weekend. He acted, therefore, with compassion and good grace throughout." Roberts also writes that he was meeting continuously with the FBI up to and including one day before the start of the concert, and had their full cooperation.
The Experiment Begins
Two days before the scheduled start of the concert, 50,000 kids had already arrived in Woodstock. Drugs immediately began to circulate. Many people brought their babies and, as Roberts says, even they were drugged. Roberts writes that at a nearby lake, "the tots swam naked, smoked grass, and got into the music."
A poll conducted at the festival by the New York Times showed that 99 percent of those attending were using marijuana. Local sheriff deputies, totally overwhelmed, reported that no arrests were being made for drug use. The New York Times of August 17 quoted one deputy," If we did (make arrests), there isn't enough space in Sullivan or the next three counties to put them in."
The use of marijuana was not the worst. Following the design of the original MK-Ultra project, the mass distribution of LSD came next, much of it in LSD-laced Coca Cola, as Kesey's Pranksters had done five years earlier. Roberts jokingly relates the following, "a particularly abrasive cop ....had been handed an LSD-spiked Coke while directing traffic. Long after all automobiles in the area had congealed to a standstill, the hardhat was still out on the road waving them on. Finally they led him away."
For the next three days, the nearly half a million young people that arrived were subjected to continual drugs and rock music. Because of torrential rains, they were forced to wallow in knee-deep mud. There were no shelters, and no way to get out. Cars were parked over eight miles away. Rosenman writes that the key to the "Woodstock experiment" was "keeping our performers performing around the keep the kids transfixed..."
Within the first 24 hours, over 300 kids reported to medical authorities, violently ill. The diagnosis: they were having "bad" LSD trips. Thousands more would follow. On August 17, theNew York Times reported: "Tonight, a festival announcer warned from the stage, that 'badly manufactured acid' (a term for LSD) was being circulated. He said: 'You aren't taking poison acid. The acid's not poison. It's just badly manufactured acid. You are not going to die.... So if you think you've taken poison, you haven't. But if you're worried, just take half a tablet.'"
The advice, to nearly 500,000 people, "just take half a tablet" was given by none other than MK-Ultra agent Wavy Gravy.
With a growing medical emergency on hand, a call went out to New York City for emergency medical personnel. Over 50 doctors and nurses were flown in. By the end of Woodstock, a total of 5,000 medical cases were reported.
Altamont: the Making Of a Snuff Film
The last major rock "festival" of the 1960s was held at Altamont racetrack, outside San Francisco. The featured performers were the Rolling Stones, who now reigned supreme in the rock world, since the Beatles had broken up. The suggestion for the concert came from MK-Ultra agent Ken Kesey.
This time, the audience was whipped into a frenzy, in open praise of the Devil. The result was a literal Satanic orgy. At its conclusion, four people were dead and dozens beaten and injured. Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, played the part of Lucifer. The performance marked the beginning of the "heavy-metal" concerts of today.
Over 400,000 people attended the Altamont concert with far less preparation than even Woodstock. Food, and even water, were nearly unavailable. But plenty of drugs were to be found. Like Woodstock, the concert would become the vehicle for the mass experimentation of drugs, especially LSD. Author Tony Sanchez describes the scene as people gathered at Altamont:
"By midmorning there were more than a quarter of a million people milling around, and things were becoming chaotic. There was a lot of bad acid (LSD-DP) around, and people were freaking out all over the place. Everybody was getting stoned out of his skull to pass the long hours before the music was to start--Mexican grass, cheap California wine, amphetamines ..." (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.195)
"By midday virtually everyone was tripping...A man was almost killed as he tried to fly from a speedway bridge--another acid case. On the other side of the site a young guy screamed for help as he fell into the deep waters of a drainage canal. The stoned-out freaks looked on bemused as he sank beneath the surface. No one seemed sure if he had been real or an hallucination. It didn't matter anymore anyway, he was dead. Elsewhere doctors were kept busy delivering babies to girls giving hysterical premature birth." (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.195)
The descent into Hell would continue. The Rolling Stones had hired, for a reported $500 worth of free beer, the motorcycle gang Hell's Angels to act as security guards for the concert. Their real payment, however, was in drug sales. The Hell's Angels, an outlaw gang made up of robbers, rapists and murderers, were the known controllers and sellers of drugs on the entire West Coast.
When the festival did open, the crowd of nearly half a million people waited for more than one and a half hours for the Stones to appear. It was only when nightfall arrived, allowing for the use of special lighting effects, that the group finally came on stage. Mick Jagger, the lead singer, was dressed in a satin cape, which glowed red under the lights. Jagger was imitating Lucifer.
Author Sanchez next describes what he calls a preplanned "Satanic ritual." As the group began playing, "strangely several of the kids were stripping off their clothes and crawling to the stage as if it were a high altar, there to offer themselves as victims for the boots and cues of the Angels. The more they were beaten and bloodied, the more they were impelled, as if by some supernatural force, to offer themselves as human sacrifices to these agents of Satan." (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.199)
Standing in the crowd in front of the stage, with his girlfriend, was a black man by the name of Meredith Hunter. Hunter would soon be singled out for human sacrifice.
The Stones had just released a new song entitled, "Sympathy for the Devil." It had quickly become the number one record in the country. The song begins with Mick Jagger introducing himself as Lucifer. As soon as he began to sing it at Altamont, the entire audience rose up and began dancing in a wild frenzy.
Sanchez descibes what happened next, "A great six foot four grizzly bear of a Hell's Angel had stalked across to Meredith (Hunter) to pull his hair hard in an effort to provoke a fight ...A fight broke out, five more Angels came crashing to the aid of their buddy, while Meredith tried to run off through the packed crowd. An Angel caught him by the arm and brought down a sheath knife hard in the black man's back. The knife failed to penetrate deeply, but Meredith knew then that he was fighting for his life. He ripped a gun out of his pocket and pointed it straight at the Angel's chest... And then the Angels were upon him like a pack of wolves. One tore the gun from his hand, another stabbed him in the face and still another stabbed him repeatedly, insanely, in the back until his knees buckled."
"When the Angels finished with Hunter, several people tried to come to his aid, but an Angel stood guard over the motionless body. `Don't touch him,' he said menacingly. `He's going to die anyway, so just let him die.'"(Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, pp. 201,202)
It was never proven that Meredith actually had a gun. Later, arrests were made. No one was ever indicted because no one person would step forward as a witness out of fear of retaliation by the Angels.
Throughout the bloody killing the Rolling Stones continued to play "Sympathy for the Devil." The entire group watched from the stage as Meredith Hunter was killed right before them. In addition, incredibly, the entire murder was professionally filmed by a film crew hired to film the concert. Shortly thereafter the film was released throughout the country with the title of a Rolling Stone's song, "Gimme Shelter."
Was the murder preplanned by Satanists? In his book, The Ultimate Evil, author Maury Terry tells how Satanic cults circulate among themselves films of their human sacrifices. These films are called "snuff films." Terry relates that one of the seven Son of Sam murders in New York City was actually filmed from a nearby parked van. The film was then purchased by a rich Satanist. "Gimme Shelter," which was a box-office hit, can still be purchased or rented today for only a few dollars, at your local video store.
Behind "Heavy-Metal" Rock
The same year as Altamont, 1969, marked the beginning of the evil career of Ozzie Osbourne. Osbourne formed the band Black Sabbath. The group modelled itself on the Rolling Stones. The next fifteen years would witness a procession of young drugged-out rock performers, like Osbourne, each competing for the "big money" and the recording contracts that came with it. The key criteria of those who would "make it" was their ability to portray decadence and evil. These were the "heavy-metal" groups.
In 1985, New Solidarity newspaper, which has since been forcibly shut down by the federal government, conducted an interview with Hezekiah Ben Aaron, then the third-ranking member of the Church of Satan. Ben Aaron is now a devout Christian. In the interview, Aaron revealed that it was his Church that started such "heavy-metal" rock groups as Black Sabbath, The Blue Oyster Cult, The Who, Ozzy Osbourne, and many others. The Church of Satan was then led by its high priest, Anton LaVey. Many report, however, that LaVey, a former circus lion tamer, was just a front man for the real high priest, Kenneth Anger, the man who earlier recruited the Rolling Stones to the occult.
The following is an excerpt from that interview: "I was working for the Church...the Church had other people who were middlemen for other companies. There were middlemen for Apple [set up by the Beatles], Warner Brothers, and other record companies. Someone would come to me and say, `I have a tape recording, and I'd like for you to check it out. I'd like to see if you would be interested in sponsoring a Rock group.' I'd say `All right, I'll check it out.' A few days later Ben Aaron would call back and set up another meeting. He continues, `I'd hand you $100,000, and you wouldn't sign anything. What you wouldn't know is that a mirror on the back of the wall is a one-way mirror and we're tape recording and photographing, or video taping everything that goes on. The payback, if you fail to make the group work, is really bad. Sometimes it's up to 60% on the dollar."
Aaron's interview continued: "we send you to a store, we provide you with uniforms and we provide you with amplifiers. It's all paid through the money we gave you. We set you up with a road tour. We set you up with engagements. We book you."
Aaron then explained that if the group did not make it he was given orders to collect the money or make other "arrangements." These "other arrangements," perhaps, are the key to the dozens of reported rock star "suicides." The underworld drug mafia has ample means to eliminate non-payers. Some readers may remember the following statement Beatle John Lennon made to the international press back in 1966:
"Christianity will go. It will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and I will be proved right. We are more popular than Jesus now."
Hopefully, he will be proven to be wrong.

HE WILL. . . HE WAS. . .John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman, one of his admirers, on December 8, 1980.

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
God, Proverbs 14;12

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Charles Manson Superstar

Manson Family historian.
The purpose of this blog is for classifying every valuable facts about Helter Skelter for searches and further writing.
Only facts, hot or death cold but facts. No judgments.
Have a nice day.
Charles Manson Superstar (film)
Charles Manson Superstar is a documentary film about Charles Manson, directed by Nikolas Schreck in 1989. Most of the documentary (the entire interview) was filmed inside San Quentin Prison. Schreck and Zeena narrated the segments while images were shown, and music played in the background. There was brief footage of Spahn Ranch, and a short clip of James M. Mason being interviewed about the Universal Order, and Manson. Olivier Messiaen’s “Death and Resurrection,” Bobby Beausoleil’s “Lucifer Rising,” Krzysztof Penderecki’s “Apocalypsis,” and Anton LaVey’s “The Satanic Mass,” and Manson’s own songs “Clang Bang Clang” and “Mechanical Man” from the album…
Charles Manson Superstar (film)
Charles Manson Superstar is a documentary film about Charles Manson, directed by Nikolas Schreck in 1989. Most of the documentary (the entire interview) was filmed inside San Quentin Prison. Schreck and Zeena narrated the segments while images were shown, and music played in the background. There was brief footage of Spahn Ranch, and a short clip of James M. Mason being interviewed about the Universal Order, and Manson. Olivier Messiaen’s “Death and Resurrection,” Bobby Beausoleil’s “Lucifer Rising,” Krzysztof Penderecki’s “Apocalypsis,” and Anton LaVey’s “The Satanic Mass,” and Manson’s own songs “Clang Bang Clang” and “Mechanical Man” from the album…
The Manson File: Myth and Reality of an Outlaw Shaman
by Nikolas Schreck
Summing up 25 years of Nikolas Schreck’s research into the Charles Manson phenomenon, this Book of Revelations illuminates unknown dimensions of Manson as philosopher, musician, Gnostic mystic, Mafia fall guy, revolutionary, and friend, lover and drug dealer to 1960s Hollywood’s best-known rock stars and movie idols.
The first comprehensive study of Manson’s life, times, crimes, and thought, this is the ultimate guide to the Manson mysteries, portraying the human being behind the media-created monster’s many masks.
Drawing on police evidence suppressed during Manson’s trial, Schreck exposes the “Helter Skelter” legend as one of the twentieth century’s greatest cover-ups, unveils the hidden Mafia drug-dealing background of the “Manson murders” and traces the underworld connections linking the victims to their killers. The author’s recent conversations with Manson and others directly involved in the psychedelic era’s apocalypse allow the true story kept secret for decades to be told at last.
Jacket design artist/graphic designer and all chapter plates by Zeena Schreck. “Easter Monday Audience with the Underworld Pope: Charles Manson Interviewed and Decoded” is Zeena’s full transcript with introduction and annotations of the raw footage of Nikolas Schreck’s interview to his documentary, Charles Manson Superstar.
The Manson File: Myth and Reality of an Outlaw Shaman
by Nikolas Schreck
Summing up 25 years of Nikolas Schreck’s research into the Charles Manson phenomenon, this Book of Revelations illuminates unknown dimensions of Manson as philosopher, musician, Gnostic mystic, Mafia fall guy, revolutionary, and friend, lover and drug dealer to 1960s Hollywood’s best-known rock stars and movie idols.
The first comprehensive study of Manson’s life, times, crimes, and thought, this is the ultimate guide to the Manson mysteries, portraying the human being behind the media-created monster’s many masks.
Drawing on police evidence suppressed during Manson’s trial, Schreck exposes the “Helter Skelter” legend as one of the twentieth century’s greatest cover-ups, unveils the hidden Mafia drug-dealing background of the “Manson murders” and traces the underworld connections linking the victims to their killers. The author’s recent conversations with Manson and others directly involved in the psychedelic era’s apocalypse allow the true story kept secret for decades to be told at last.
Jacket design artist/graphic designer and all chapter plates by Zeena Schreck. “Easter Monday Audience with the Underworld Pope: Charles Manson Interviewed and Decoded” is Zeena’s full transcript with introduction and annotations of the raw footage of Nikolas Schreck’s interview to his documentary, Charles Manson Superstar.
Rumor : Charles Manson responsible for more murders than previously known
Decade-old audio tapes detail accusations of additional killings
UNCONFIRMED : Charles Manson is responsible for several additional murders
Infamous criminal Charles Manson was officially convicted of nine counts of murder. But are there other victims that met their demise at the hands of his “family”? According to audio tapes obtained by MyFoxLA, and reported by New York Daily News and the Huffington Post, the attorney for Manson co-defendant Charles “Tex” Watson, was told of several additional murders that Manson allegedly orchestrated.
‘A bunch of other people Manson had killed’
Attorney Bill Boyd represented Watson in the late 1960s, as he and other members of the “Manson Family” stood trial for a string of brutal murders that were intended by to incite a race war Manson referred to as “Helter Skelter.” Years later, Boyd, who died in 2009, recorded more than 20 hours of interviews with Watson and in one, Boyd says Watson “told me about a bunch of other people Manson had killed.”
Details on killings scarce
Who Manson killed, where and when it happened and whether he did it personally or had others carry out the supposed crimes are all left unsaid in the tapes released. Barbara Hoyt, a former Manson Family member who defected from the group and testified against them in court, tells the MyFoxLA “it would not surprise me if there were more murders.”
Final parole hearing approaching
News on the supposed additional murders comes as one Manson Family member is heading toward a chance at freedom. Bruce Davis, having served more than 40 years in prison for two murders committed after the group’s most infamous killings, is being recommended as suitable for parole by California’s Board of Parole Hearings. Gov. Jerry Brown will have 30 days to approve, deny, modify or decline to review Davis’ release.
Manson, meanwhile, was denied parole for the 12th time last year and won’t be considered again for parole until 2027, when he will be 92-years-old.
Rumor : Charles Manson responsible for more murders than previously known
Decade-old audio tapes detail accusations of additional killings
UNCONFIRMED : Charles Manson is responsible for several additional murders
Infamous criminal Charles Manson was officially convicted of nine counts of murder. But are there other victims that met their demise at the hands of his “family”? According to audio tapes obtained by MyFoxLA, and reported by New York Daily News and the Huffington Post, the attorney for Manson co-defendant Charles “Tex” Watson, was told of several additional murders that Manson allegedly orchestrated.
‘A bunch of other people Manson had killed’
Attorney Bill Boyd represented Watson in the late 1960s, as he and other members of the “Manson Family” stood trial for a string of brutal murders that were intended by to incite a race war Manson referred to as “Helter Skelter.” Years later, Boyd, who died in 2009, recorded more than 20 hours of interviews with Watson and in one, Boyd says Watson “told me about a bunch of other people Manson had killed.”
Details on killings scarce
Who Manson killed, where and when it happened and whether he did it personally or had others carry out the supposed crimes are all left unsaid in the tapes released. Barbara Hoyt, a former Manson Family member who defected from the group and testified against them in court, tells the MyFoxLA “it would not surprise me if there were more murders.”
Final parole hearing approaching
News on the supposed additional murders comes as one Manson Family member is heading toward a chance at freedom. Bruce Davis, having served more than 40 years in prison for two murders committed after the group’s most infamous killings, is being recommended as suitable for parole by California’s Board of Parole Hearings. Gov. Jerry Brown will have 30 days to approve, deny, modify or decline to review Davis’ release.
Manson, meanwhile, was denied parole for the 12th time last year and won’t be considered again for parole until 2027, when he will be 92-years-old.
Once in West Kensington, Joel began to ensconce himself in his room with his female companion. However, the joy was to be short lived. Joel’s partner would leave after three weeks after moving to London. The hotel’s manager, Joseph Falk, would later note Joel’s gradually diminishing state. ‘Mr. Pugh became more withdrawn and stopped eating. Eventually he was only drinking coffee.’
According to the Talgarth’s records, Joel moved in on October 27th 1969, a month before Manson follower Bruce Davis reportedly made his second trip to the UK. Sharing the room with Joel was the female he was having a relationship with. Joel took out weekly terms on a single room, and was allotted a ground floor flat overlooking the rear of the property. Manager Joseph Falk was impressed with his guest, noting Pugh as being a ‘very nice person…Very clean in his ways and quite a gentleman.’ From time to time, Joel’s travelling friends would pop over and try to encourage him to visit various sights around town with them. Depressed, he’d tell them that he was ‘unworthy of London’ and was content to stay in his room. At one point during his stay, he told fellow traveller Harriet Smith about the breakdown of his relationship with Sandy Good. Clearly, it was still on his mind. Smith, like other members of Pugh’s travelling group, was more concerned about Joel’s slide into depression, and tried to get him to seek professional advice. Joel refused, telling her that his quest was to ‘find out who I am.’
Despite his enforced isolation, Joel would always keep his door unlocked, and would wile away the hours playing guitar and reading. His most consistent visitor during those days was the seven-year old son of the manager, who’d occasionally pop by. The young boy evidently enjoyed Joel’s company, especially as Pugh shared his beloved comic book stories with him. He also showed the little boy backwards writing; a process that Joel himself found fascinating. Much to the child’s delight, Joel would reflect whatever was written in the mirror to make it legible, scribbling jokes and fragments of nursery rhymes. Meanwhile his fascination with comic books would start to overwhelm Joel, and alone for so many hours of the day, he felt that he was being sucked into their fantastical tales. 
December 1st 1969 would prove pivotal in the fortunes of the Manson Family. In Los Angeles, relieved police finally announced they’d broken the Tate-Labianca case by finally connecting it to the Family’s nefarious activities. For Joel Pugh in London, the day would signify a much darker and finite conclusion to his personal troubles. The only known movement of Joel that day was that he popped down to reception to fix himself a coffee. There, he met the hotel manager and exchanged some small talk. Once his coffee was fixed, Joel swiftly retreated back to his room. That was the last time he was seen alive. 
The following morning the hotel’s cleaner was performing her usual duties, and wasn’t unduly perturbed when she found Joel’s door locked. At around 6pm that evening, manager Joseph Falk knocked on Joel’s door to check he was okay. On getting no response, Falk attempted to gain entry using his passkey. However, on unlocking the door, Falk sensed a weight keeping the door shut, and could only partially open it. Putting his hand around the door, he felt ‘what seemed like an arm’ hanging limply on the inside. 
Police were immediately called, and a few minutes later, PC Wright, a constable from the local Hammersmith police station, arrived at the premises. Forcing his way into the room, he saw Joel lying on his back, with a couple of razor blades lying about two feet away from him. He was naked, save for a sheet covering the lower part of his body. There was blood everywhere. On inspection, Joel’s throat had been slit twice, there were razor cuts to his wrists and a bruise on his forehead. 
On searching the room further, a pipe with traces of cannabis resin was discovered. Police also found the comic books and the mirror writing that so captivated Joel’s young friend. Pugh’s body was taken away to await a coroners’ inquiry, although the job of notifying Joel’s family was passed to the American consulate. 
With no immediate clues to Joel’s death, a thorough and comprehensive autopsy was ordered. Metropolitan Police pathologist, Richard Pearce, made the following observations: ‘The body is thin, there are bruises on the forehead and left shin. There are incised wounds in either side of the neck (three inches long) parallel to the sterno-mastoid muscles and extending deeply to the muscle; the external jugular veins are divided. Trial cuts are present. There are a number of slashes of both wrists in the long axis of the forearms, and a superficial cut across the front of the elbow.’ Adding to his belief that Joel had inflicted the wounds on himself, Pearce noted that Pugh had a nick in his left hand from holding a razor blade. 
Later in his report, Pearce would note, ‘There was no wound not capable of being self-inflicted,’ and that there was no evidence of a struggle or violence.
Dr. Charles Lindsay, a psychiatrist from St. Bernard’s hospital in London, played down the comic books and backwards writing importance, saying that there was “no apparent significance” to their part in his death.
On paper, the coroner’s suspicions of suicide tied in with the circumstances Joel was found in: his emaciated state; the length of time he’d spent isolated in his room, and the residue of the cannabis resin found in his bedroom. Additionally, the fact that the door was locked from the inside added considerable weight to the decision of suicide. In summing up, Coroner Dr. John Burton, decreed that, “it was obvious that the man had killed himself” despite leaving “no suicide notes.” Recording a verdict that Joel had committed suicide, Burton made special note of the quantity of Cannabis that was in the room; “Whether that might have been contributory to his condition,” Coroner Burton mused, “we cannot say. But there is evidence that his mind was disturbed.” Dr. Burton would go on to have a long and distinguished career. He would later be employed by the British monarchy as “Royal Coroner,” and would be present during the post-mortem on Princess Diana in 1997.
The Coroner’s hearing regarding Joel was held a couple of weeks later at Hammersmith Coroner’s Court in West London. There was a smattering of press there to hear the verdict, although with no foul play recorded the story was not deemed worthy of any national interest. However, both the West London Gazette and the Fulham Chronicle made some mileage out of the reverse writing and the comic strips scattered around. The Fulham Chronicle’s headline, ‘Death Notes In Mirror’ would later fuel erroneous rumours that the backwards writing had been written on…
Once in West Kensington, Joel began to ensconce himself in his room with his female companion. However, the joy was to be short lived. Joel’s partner would leave after three weeks after moving to London. The hotel’s manager, Joseph Falk, would later note Joel’s gradually diminishing state. ‘Mr. Pugh became more withdrawn and stopped eating. Eventually he was only drinking coffee.’
According to the Talgarth’s records, Joel moved in on October 27th 1969, a month before Manson follower Bruce Davis reportedly made his second trip to the UK. Sharing the room with Joel was the female he was having a relationship with. Joel took out weekly terms on a single room, and was allotted a ground floor flat overlooking the rear of the property. Manager Joseph Falk was impressed with his guest, noting Pugh as being a ‘very nice person…Very clean in his ways and quite a gentleman.’ From time to time, Joel’s travelling friends would pop over and try to encourage him to visit various sights around town with them. Depressed, he’d tell them that he was ‘unworthy of London’ and was content to stay in his room. At one point during his stay, he told fellow traveller Harriet Smith about the breakdown of his relationship with Sandy Good. Clearly, it was still on his mind. Smith, like other members of Pugh’s travelling group, was more concerned about Joel’s slide into depression, and tried to get him to seek professional advice. Joel refused, telling her that his quest was to ‘find out who I am.’
Despite his enforced isolation, Joel would always keep his door unlocked, and would wile away the hours playing guitar and reading. His most consistent visitor during those days was the seven-year old son of the manager, who’d occasionally pop by. The young boy evidently enjoyed Joel’s company, especially as Pugh shared his beloved comic book stories with him. He also showed the little boy backwards writing; a process that Joel himself found fascinating. Much to the child’s delight, Joel would reflect whatever was written in the mirror to make it legible, scribbling jokes and fragments of nursery rhymes. Meanwhile his fascination with comic books would start to overwhelm Joel, and alone for so many hours of the day, he felt that he was being sucked into their fantastical tales.
December 1st 1969 would prove pivotal in the fortunes of the Manson Family. In Los Angeles, relieved police finally announced they’d broken the Tate-Labianca case by finally connecting it to the Family’s nefarious activities. For Joel Pugh in London, the day would signify a much darker and finite conclusion to his personal troubles. The only known movement of Joel that day was that he popped down to reception to fix himself a coffee. There, he met the hotel manager and exchanged some small talk. Once his coffee was fixed, Joel swiftly retreated back to his room. That was the last time he was seen alive.
The following morning the hotel’s cleaner was performing her usual duties, and wasn’t unduly perturbed when she found Joel’s door locked. At around 6pm that evening, manager Joseph Falk knocked on Joel’s door to check he was okay. On getting no response, Falk attempted to gain entry using his passkey. However, on unlocking the door, Falk sensed a weight keeping the door shut, and could only partially open it. Putting his hand around the door, he felt ‘what seemed like an arm’ hanging limply on the inside.
Police were immediately called, and a few minutes later, PC Wright, a constable from the local Hammersmith police station, arrived at the premises. Forcing his way into the room, he saw Joel lying on his back, with a couple of razor blades lying about two feet away from him. He was naked, save for a sheet covering the lower part of his body. There was blood everywhere. On inspection, Joel’s throat had been slit twice, there were razor cuts to his wrists and a bruise on his forehead.
On searching the room further, a pipe with traces of cannabis resin was discovered. Police also found the comic books and the mirror writing that so captivated Joel’s young friend. Pugh’s body was taken away to await a coroners’ inquiry, although the job of notifying Joel’s family was passed to the American consulate.
With no immediate clues to Joel’s death, a thorough and comprehensive autopsy was ordered. Metropolitan Police pathologist, Richard Pearce, made the following observations: ‘The body is thin, there are bruises on the forehead and left shin. There are incised wounds in either side of the neck (three inches long) parallel to the sterno-mastoid muscles and extending deeply to the muscle; the external jugular veins are divided. Trial cuts are present. There are a number of slashes of both wrists in the long axis of the forearms, and a superficial cut across the front of the elbow.’ Adding to his belief that Joel had inflicted the wounds on himself, Pearce noted that Pugh had a nick in his left hand from holding a razor blade.
Later in his report, Pearce would note, ‘There was no wound not capable of being self-inflicted,’ and that there was no evidence of a struggle or violence.
Dr. Charles Lindsay, a psychiatrist from St. Bernard’s hospital in London, played down the comic books and backwards writing importance, saying that there was “no apparent significance” to their part in his death.
On paper, the coroner’s suspicions of suicide tied in with the circumstances Joel was found in: his emaciated state; the length of time he’d spent isolated in his room, and the residue of the cannabis resin found in his bedroom. Additionally, the fact that the door was locked from the inside added considerable weight to the decision of suicide. In summing up, Coroner Dr. John Burton, decreed that, “it was obvious that the man had killed himself” despite leaving “no suicide notes.” Recording a verdict that Joel had committed suicide, Burton made special note of the quantity of Cannabis that was in the room; “Whether that might have been contributory to his condition,” Coroner Burton mused, “we cannot say. But there is evidence that his mind was disturbed.” Dr. Burton would go on to have a long and distinguished career. He would later be employed by the British monarchy as “Royal Coroner,” and would be present during the post-mortem on Princess Diana in 1997.
The Coroner’s hearing regarding Joel was held a couple of weeks later at Hammersmith Coroner’s Court in West London. There was a smattering of press there to hear the verdict, although with no foul play recorded the story was not deemed worthy of any national interest. However, both the West London Gazette and the Fulham Chronicle made some mileage out of the reverse writing and the comic strips scattered around. The Fulham Chronicle’s headline, ‘Death Notes In Mirror’ would later fuel erroneous rumours that the backwards writing had been written on…
It was in San Francisco that Joel met Sandra Good, a student at San Francisco State College. With the pair mingling in various collegiate circles, they met through mutual friends and quickly hit it off. For a while, things appeared promising. Their respective families shared in this happiness; Joel spending Christmas 1964 at the Good family house in Boulder Creek, and in later years at the Pugh’s home over in Minnesota. 
Their happiness can be seen from a smiling photograph taken over Christmas 1967 at the Pugh household; Joel evidently proud of his petite, glamorous girlfriend. Despite being in his mid-twenties, it was Joel’s first sexual relationship. His brother Daniel recalls the happy scene.
Daniel Pugh ‘She seemed like a very nice girl when she was staying with us… Joel had never gone with a girl before, and we were very happy that things were looking up for him. […]
Joel’s closest confidante at this time was Jim Balfour. He was privy to all of Joel’s movements around Sandy Good, and yet he shared none of his friend’s affection for her, as he recalls today. 
Jim Balfour: ‘I was very disturbed by her most of the time. She was probably charming when she needed to be. I thought she was a very loose cannon.“ 
The couple’s joy was short lived though, and their relationship would not last the distance. After a life-changing meeting with Manson in March 1968, for Sandy, everything, including Joel, suddenly took second place. Depressing as it was for Joel to lose his first real love, the fact she’d run off with Charlie’s strange gang added a large measure of insult. For a while, it appears Joel kept up contact with Sandy and even tried to steer her away from her new chapel of friends, especially Charlie. 
Daniel Pugh: ‘When she started hanging around with Manson, Joel was extremely embarrassed about it. He regarded Manson as a phoney, who was very full of himself and a sort of embarrassing character. He didn’t want Sandy to have anything to do with a guy like that; sort of uncool by association…. Manson was what Joel, in his own words, would have called "a Gnarl."’ 
Evidently, Sandy’s complete immersion in Manson’s all encompassing world placed an enormous strain on her and Joel’s relationship, and they eventually broke up, putting paid to any future plans. As former Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Stephen Kay tells it, Manson couldn’t have planned it better himself. 
Stephen Kay: ‘Charlie wanted very much for Sandy Good not to be married, because her father had been very wealthy. He left a trust fund that paid her $2000 a month, which was the money the Manson Family lived off most of the time; that was their biggest source of income… Joel was an irritant, and Manson didn’t want anyone getting in the way of him and the trust fund.’ 
Ironically, it seems that even Sandy held on to the idea of marrying Joel. During the August 17th 1969 auto-theft raid on the Manson Family base at Spahn’s Ranch, Sandy was booked as ‘Sandra Collins Pugh’. In later arrests she would again refer to herself as 'Mrs. Pugh’. While it is well documented that the Manson girls used a plethora of pseudonyms when arrested, her choice of name seems significant. A rumour has gathered momentum over the years that Good became pregnant as result of her liaison with Joel. If there was any truth in the allegations, this would have pointed to their relationship lasting until late 1968. During the Barker Ranch arrest of October 10th 1969, Sandy was quizzed on the paternity of her small baby. She has since claimed that to save her child from being put in care she used Joel’s surname as a stalling device. However, despite the crowd of potential suitors, and the interminable sex orgies, Sandy also used Joel’s name on the baby’s birth certificate. This clearly records Ivan S. Pugh born to Sandra Good on 16th September 1969. 
Whatever the truth, it’s clear that Sandy was still actively seeking a connection with Joel. At one point during mid-1969 when the fortunes of the Manson Family were on the decline, Sandy returned to San Francisco to catch up with her old circle of friends. In addition to informing all and sundry that "a lot of shit was going to come down”, she made a proactive attempt to cajole Joel into marrying her. 
Jim Balfour: “She was visiting, and she was pregnant, and she wanted Joel to either marry her or say they were married, because she was going to use his name as the father, and that’s what she did… My understanding of it is that she probably thought that with the things that Manson’s people were being charged with, that it would look better if Manson weren’t the father of the child, and that she would use Joel as a respectable person… However, Joel’s response to Sandy’s request was clear; "no way.”
Furthermore, it is evidently clear that despite his embarrassment over Sandy’s involvement with Manson, Joel never met Charlie or any other Family members. Equally, he never visited any of the Family’s various encampments around California; Spahn Ranch included. This has been confirmed by Joel’s closest friend Jim Balfour, and other associates in Joel’s circle.
By 1969, Joel’s mental health had started to take a slide. Adding a strain on his fragile psyche, Joel had been dabbling with LSD, and as a result of one bad trip he’d withdrawn inside himself, believing that he could never be happy again. Joel’s wacky. off-beat persona was in itself an unwitting foil to his inner turmoil and also prevented him gaining any proper help. His brother Daniel recalls this upsetting duality. 
Daniel Pugh: ‘I totally missed the fact that he was losing it… I didn’t realise he was being as serious as he was about a lot of things. He decided that he was schizophrenic as a result of reading stuff by R.D Laing, and like Laing, he thought it was some sort of a spiritual gift or something… The last time I saw Joel he remarked, very wistfully, that it would be nice if there was “something you could take that would let you be happy”.’ 
Joel had maintained contact with various friends he’d met in high school who had also moved to California. One of them was Tom Davis, someone who had been allied to the Pugh family by dint of their fathers’ working together in Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. Others who moved to California from Minnesota were a “Nancy” and a “Joanne”. They kept up a close alliance with him, and shared similar interests in soul searching. Some of these friends were aware of his slide into depression and rallied around as best they could. Being open to all the new psychological slants on offer, they freely offered their own opinions on his melancholy. In a tape recorded message at the time, Joel’s father David recalled their misguided attempts to pull him out of his despair.
David Pugh (Senior): ‘When Joel was in trouble out there, his friends were all aware of it. And they were either having him read this kind of crap, or else they were quoting it to him. And they were trying to give him psychotherapy with the stupid information they had obtained from this way-out type of clinical psychiatry that these people read. Some of the others in the group wanted him to get professional help, but others felt they could talk him out of the problems.’ 
As a result of his mental decline, Joel would stop working in the laboratory and return to his parent’s home. There, he read a book on rainforests and became obsessed with South America. Pleased that his son finally seemed interested in something other than his own psychological state, Joel’s father funded a trip for him and a girlfriend to visit the region. Despite a considerable amount of time spent wandering around, Joel never found the rainforests of his dreams. Compounding his disenchantment, he split up with his partner while away. In the end Joel returned home, somewhat deflated. 
Despite his disappointment, Joel’s wanderlust was unabated and he decided that he wanted to go to Morocco. Landing in Marrakech, his hopes of authentic middle-eastern promise were swiftly dashed. On seeing the legions of western travellers revelling in various hedonistic states, he turned away disgusted and headed off towards Spain. There, he ran into some fellow Americans who were also travelling through Europe and together they continued their journey. It was during this period that Joel convinced himself that he could predict the future from reading comic books; a game he’d become increasingly obsessed with. One female on this travelling party was a school teacher named Harriet Smith, who recalled Joel saying that he’d deduced from the comic strips that ‘she would become his wife.’ 
Despite his bizarre predictions, Joel was taken under the wings of his travelling buddies and tagged along with them to London. By all accounts, Joel became romantically involved with one of his fellow travellers (not Harriet Smith). Once there, Joel and his lover found lodgings in West Kensington, an area which despite the swanky name, had long been a cheap base for peripatetic travellers. The room he rented was at the Talgarth Hotel, situated on the busy Talgarth Road, a main artery that links London with the west of England. The title ‘Hotel’ was a somewhat grandiose one, as the property was nothing more than a…
It was in San Francisco that Joel met Sandra Good, a student at San Francisco State College. With the pair mingling in various collegiate circles, they met through mutual friends and quickly hit it off. For a while, things appeared promising. Their respective families shared in this happiness; Joel spending Christmas 1964 at the Good family house in Boulder Creek, and in later years at the Pugh’s home over in Minnesota.
Their happiness can be seen from a smiling photograph taken over Christmas 1967 at the Pugh household; Joel evidently proud of his petite, glamorous girlfriend. Despite being in his mid-twenties, it was Joel’s first sexual relationship. His brother Daniel recalls the happy scene.
Daniel Pugh ‘She seemed like a very nice girl when she was staying with us… Joel had never gone with a girl before, and we were very happy that things were looking up for him. […]
Joel’s closest confidante at this time was Jim Balfour. He was privy to all of Joel’s movements around Sandy Good, and yet he shared none of his friend’s affection for her, as he recalls today.
Jim Balfour: ‘I was very disturbed by her most of the time. She was probably charming when she needed to be. I thought she was a very loose cannon.“
The couple’s joy was short lived though, and their relationship would not last the distance. After a life-changing meeting with Manson in March 1968, for Sandy, everything, including Joel, suddenly took second place. Depressing as it was for Joel to lose his first real love, the fact she’d run off with Charlie’s strange gang added a large measure of insult. For a while, it appears Joel kept up contact with Sandy and even tried to steer her away from her new chapel of friends, especially Charlie.
Daniel Pugh: ‘When she started hanging around with Manson, Joel was extremely embarrassed about it. He regarded Manson as a phoney, who was very full of himself and a sort of embarrassing character. He didn’t want Sandy to have anything to do with a guy like that; sort of uncool by association…. Manson was what Joel, in his own words, would have called "a Gnarl."’
Evidently, Sandy’s complete immersion in Manson’s all encompassing world placed an enormous strain on her and Joel’s relationship, and they eventually broke up, putting paid to any future plans. As former Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Stephen Kay tells it, Manson couldn’t have planned it better himself.
Stephen Kay: ‘Charlie wanted very much for Sandy Good not to be married, because her father had been very wealthy. He left a trust fund that paid her $2000 a month, which was the money the Manson Family lived off most of the time; that was their biggest source of income… Joel was an irritant, and Manson didn’t want anyone getting in the way of him and the trust fund.’
Ironically, it seems that even Sandy held on to the idea of marrying Joel. During the August 17th 1969 auto-theft raid on the Manson Family base at Spahn’s Ranch, Sandy was booked as ‘Sandra Collins Pugh’. In later arrests she would again refer to herself as 'Mrs. Pugh’. While it is well documented that the Manson girls used a plethora of pseudonyms when arrested, her choice of name seems significant. A rumour has gathered momentum over the years that Good became pregnant as result of her liaison with Joel. If there was any truth in the allegations, this would have pointed to their relationship lasting until late 1968. During the Barker Ranch arrest of October 10th 1969, Sandy was quizzed on the paternity of her small baby. She has since claimed that to save her child from being put in care she used Joel’s surname as a stalling device. However, despite the crowd of potential suitors, and the interminable sex orgies, Sandy also used Joel’s name on the baby’s birth certificate. This clearly records Ivan S. Pugh born to Sandra Good on 16th September 1969.
Whatever the truth, it’s clear that Sandy was still actively seeking a connection with Joel. At one point during mid-1969 when the fortunes of the Manson Family were on the decline, Sandy returned to San Francisco to catch up with her old circle of friends. In addition to informing all and sundry that "a lot of shit was going to come down”, she made a proactive attempt to cajole Joel into marrying her.
Jim Balfour: “She was visiting, and she was pregnant, and she wanted Joel to either marry her or say they were married, because she was going to use his name as the father, and that’s what she did… My understanding of it is that she probably thought that with the things that Manson’s people were being charged with, that it would look better if Manson weren’t the father of the child, and that she would use Joel as a respectable person… However, Joel’s response to Sandy’s request was clear; "no way.”
Furthermore, it is evidently clear that despite his embarrassment over Sandy’s involvement with Manson, Joel never met Charlie or any other Family members. Equally, he never visited any of the Family’s various encampments around California; Spahn Ranch included. This has been confirmed by Joel’s closest friend Jim Balfour, and other associates in Joel’s circle.
By 1969, Joel’s mental health had started to take a slide. Adding a strain on his fragile psyche, Joel had been dabbling with LSD, and as a result of one bad trip he’d withdrawn inside himself, believing that he could never be happy again. Joel’s wacky. off-beat persona was in itself an unwitting foil to his inner turmoil and also prevented him gaining any proper help. His brother Daniel recalls this upsetting duality.
Daniel Pugh: ‘I totally missed the fact that he was losing it… I didn’t realise he was being as serious as he was about a lot of things. He decided that he was schizophrenic as a result of reading stuff by R.D Laing, and like Laing, he thought it was some sort of a spiritual gift or something… The last time I saw Joel he remarked, very wistfully, that it would be nice if there was “something you could take that would let you be happy”.’
Joel had maintained contact with various friends he’d met in high school who had also moved to California. One of them was Tom Davis, someone who had been allied to the Pugh family by dint of their fathers’ working together in Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. Others who moved to California from Minnesota were a “Nancy” and a “Joanne”. They kept up a close alliance with him, and shared similar interests in soul searching. Some of these friends were aware of his slide into depression and rallied around as best they could. Being open to all the new psychological slants on offer, they freely offered their own opinions on his melancholy. In a tape recorded message at the time, Joel’s father David recalled their misguided attempts to pull him out of his despair.
David Pugh (Senior): ‘When Joel was in trouble out there, his friends were all aware of it. And they were either having him read this kind of crap, or else they were quoting it to him. And they were trying to give him psychotherapy with the stupid information they had obtained from this way-out type of clinical psychiatry that these people read. Some of the others in the group wanted him to get professional help, but others felt they could talk him out of the problems.’
As a result of his mental decline, Joel would stop working in the laboratory and return to his parent’s home. There, he read a book on rainforests and became obsessed with South America. Pleased that his son finally seemed interested in something other than his own psychological state, Joel’s father funded a trip for him and a girlfriend to visit the region. Despite a considerable amount of time spent wandering around, Joel never found the rainforests of his dreams. Compounding his disenchantment, he split up with his partner while away. In the end Joel returned home, somewhat deflated.
Despite his disappointment, Joel’s wanderlust was unabated and he decided that he wanted to go to Morocco. Landing in Marrakech, his hopes of authentic middle-eastern promise were swiftly dashed. On seeing the legions of western travellers revelling in various hedonistic states, he turned away disgusted and headed off towards Spain. There, he ran into some fellow Americans who were also travelling through Europe and together they continued their journey. It was during this period that Joel convinced himself that he could predict the future from reading comic books; a game he’d become increasingly obsessed with. One female on this travelling party was a school teacher named Harriet Smith, who recalled Joel saying that he’d deduced from the comic strips that ‘she would become his wife.’
Despite his bizarre predictions, Joel was taken under the wings of his travelling buddies and tagged along with them to London. By all accounts, Joel became romantically involved with one of his fellow travellers (not Harriet Smith). Once there, Joel and his lover found lodgings in West Kensington, an area which despite the swanky name, had long been a cheap base for peripatetic travellers. The room he rented was at the Talgarth Hotel, situated on the busy Talgarth Road, a main artery that links London with the west of England. The title ‘Hotel’ was a somewhat grandiose one, as the property was nothing more than a…
Joel Dean Pugh
June 7th 1940-December 1st 1969
“I wonder in what fields today,
He chases butterflies in his way,
My little boy who ran away.”
Over forty years have passed since the Manson Family series of murders gripped the world. While the tragic deaths of nine innocent individuals have been afforded enormous publicity, there were other less documented casualties of this macabre saga. Joel Pugh’s slight connection with Manson’s circle has been embellished over the years to assume the status of yet another “victim” of the Family’s bloody rampage. The truth however, is markedly different. The purpose of this site is to assert some semblance of reality to what happened to Joel, and to re-examine his “relationship” with the Manson Family. Utilising original documents and photographs, I aim to present as close as definitive view of events as I can. While I concede that there will always be interest in this story, certain key facts have clearly been ignored. My hope is that future researchers will be able to amend the catalogue of inconsistencies that have built up concerning Joel, and present a more balanced picture of what actually occurred.
Simon Wells: author of Charles Manson: Coming Down Fast.
London. June 2010
It appears that twenty-seven year-old Joel Dean Pugh came loosely into contact with the fringes of the Manson Family sometime during March 1968. Joel was born on June 7th, 1940, to Marjorie and David Pugh; his father a radiographer at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. After serving time in the US Army, Joel moved to northern California in the mid 1960s. He had taken up a job as a lab technician in a university in San Francisco, putting to good use his degree in Zoology and his interest in natural sciences. Joel was an original, if slightly off-beat character, who combined quirky passions with a great sense of humour. 
‘Joel was a very funny guy,’ recalls his brother Daniel today. ‘It was just nifty being with him at any time. I sort of admired him so much. He always had this great imagination … When he was little, people would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Joel had two answers: one was…
Joel Dean Pugh
June 7th 1940-December 1st 1969
“I wonder in what fields today,
He chases butterflies in his way,
My little boy who ran away.”
Over forty years have passed since the Manson Family series of murders gripped the world. While the tragic deaths of nine innocent individuals have been afforded enormous publicity, there were other less documented casualties of this macabre saga. Joel Pugh’s slight connection with Manson’s circle has been embellished over the years to assume the status of yet another “victim” of the Family’s bloody rampage. The truth however, is markedly different. The purpose of this site is to assert some semblance of reality to what happened to Joel, and to re-examine his “relationship” with the Manson Family. Utilising original documents and photographs, I aim to present as close as definitive view of events as I can. While I concede that there will always be interest in this story, certain key facts have clearly been ignored. My hope is that future researchers will be able to amend the catalogue of inconsistencies that have built up concerning Joel, and present a more balanced picture of what actually occurred.
Simon Wells: author of Charles Manson: Coming Down Fast.
London. June 2010
It appears that twenty-seven year-old Joel Dean Pugh came loosely into contact with the fringes of the Manson Family sometime during March 1968. Joel was born on June 7th, 1940, to Marjorie and David Pugh; his father a radiographer at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. After serving time in the US Army, Joel moved to northern California in the mid 1960s. He had taken up a job as a lab technician in a university in San Francisco, putting to good use his degree in Zoology and his interest in natural sciences. Joel was an original, if slightly off-beat character, who combined quirky passions with a great sense of humour. 
‘Joel was a very funny guy,’ recalls his brother Daniel today. ‘It was just nifty being with him at any time. I sort of admired him so much. He always had this great imagination … When he was little, people would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Joel had two answers: one was…
Two men relate to same haunting specter : Charles Manson
Cincinnati (CNN) – Charles Manson casts a long shadow. No one knows that better than his grandson, Jason Freeman, who is speaking out for the first time about growing up under, what he calls, a “family curse” started by Manson and his so-called “Manson family.”
“I’m personally, I’m coming out,” says the 6-foot-2 kickboxer and cage fighter. Freeman, whose father killed himself in 1993, is “coming out,” he says, because he wants the real Manson family to stop hiding from a name that still has the power to evoke fear.
Today, Freeman wants to understand his roots and himself a bit better, two things denied him as a child. He knew from a young age that Charles Manson was his grandfather, but it never registered till one day in eighth-grade history class, said Freeman. Our teacher “ … was talking about Charles Manson and I’m looking around like, are there people staring at me?”
Man: I may be Charles Manson’s son 
Forbidden from talking about Charles Manson to his school friends lest they tease and taunt him, Freeman always felt different from the other kids. Even behind closed doors and with his own family, talk about Charles Manson was discouraged. He was not permitted to ask his grandmother, Rosalie, about Charles Manson, the man she married in 1955. It was a ghostly elephant roaming through his life.
More than anything, Freeman wants to connect with the father he knew only through an occasional letter or gift. He believes his father, who changed his name to Jay White, purposely stayed away from him, not wanting to tarnish his childhood in the same way his had been. “He just couldn’t let it go,” reckons Freeman. “He couldn’t live it down. He couldn’t live down who his father was.”
Jay White, who was cursed with the name Charles Manson Jr., killed himself on June 29, 1993, on a desolate section of highway in Burlington, Colorado, just west of the Kansas state line.
The death certificate offers few clues as to why there and what finally pushed him over the edge. The document indicates it was about 10:15 a.m. when he died from a “self inflicted gunshot wound to the head” at “exit 438 on interstate 70.”
Charles Manson’s grandson, Jason Freeman, provides a DNA sample to determine if another man is also related to Manson.
Freeman, who wrestles, fights and suffers the pain of tattoos in his off-time, makes a living working on oil rigs in western Pennsylvania. He is a classically tough guy. But when it comes to the father he never met and when he thinks of what he went through as a child, he tears up.
When asked what he’d like his father to know, Freeman gets emotional and, fighting back tears, he whispers, “I want him to know … he missed out on a lot.”
Specifically, he wishes his father were there to enjoy his grandchildren and see the life he has built for himself.
“I see my kids, you know, and that’s kinda where I get shook up,” he says the tears rolling. “I would hate to see them grow up without a father. That’s important. Very important.”
Freeman wishes he could reverse time and tell his father on the stretch of Interstate 70 back in June of 1993 that whatever he was feeling at the moment would pass and a better life lay ahead.
Another Manson offspring, another search
The desire to know one’s father and to understand oneself is the same force, the same primal instinct, driving Matthew Roberts, a 44-year-old Los Angeles musician. Roberts, who was adopted as an infant, sought out his birth parents in 1998.
Through an adoption agency, he found his birth mother; according to Roberts, she was a reclusive and psychologically troubled woman named Terri living in Wisconsin. As they got to know each other, Terri eventually dropped a small bomb on Roberts that set him on a 14-year search for his father.
Terri told him that Charles Manson was his father and that she had met Manson in San Francisco in 1967 at an orgy. He was one of four men there, and she was certain Manson had impregnated her.
Roberts didn’t believe her except that he looked shockingly similar to Manson.
He then wrote to Manson in prison, explaining the situation. To Robert’s surprise, prisoner B33920 wrote back. Manson, in his frantic style and chicken scratch penmanship, confirmed to Roberts that he was at the 1967 orgy and remembered his mother, Roberts said. He related stories that his mother had told him that only she, or his father, would know. What seemed like fantasy was fast becoming reality.
Roberts twice tried to get a DNA match with genetic material from Charles Manson, but the samples were contaminated.
But says Dr. Michael Baird, chief science officer at DNA Diagnostics Center in Fairfield, Ohio, there is another way to establish the family link. If Matthew Roberts and Jason Freeman are related, they will have an exact copy of Charles Manson’s Y chromosome. “The male line is easier to compare,” said Baird, “because the Y chromosome stands out so strong. We can get a very good correlation if the two are related.
So curious were both men to once and for all solve the mystery, CNN took the extraordinary step to have both men’s DNA taken and the results compared.
A match seemed likely.
Same members of notorious family?
The men seem predisposed to being related. Their lives run along parallel tracks.
Both are drawn to fame and fortune. Roberts is lead singer of a band called New Rising Son. Freeman is a fighter who goes by the name Freebird.
But both men have also had to settle for doing more conventional jobs to pay the bills. Freeman has his oil rig job; Roberts is a DJ at the Blue Zebra Cabaret in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley.
Both men have self-published their own books. Freeman’s "Knocking out the Devil” and Roberts’ “The First Rays of the New Rising Sun.”
 But the question remained: Is Charles Manson the common denominator in the lives of these two men?
It took DNA Diagnostic Center 48 hours to resolve a mystery that Roberts chased for 14 years. With both men in the same room, Baird told the men what they found.
“We did a battery of DNA tests. We studied your DNA along several points, and we have concluded you do not share a common biological ancestry.”
The news dropped on the room like a fact etched in lead. Jason Freeman exclaimed “holy cow.” Freeman hoped to gain an uncle and perhaps a bit more insight into his family and his father’s life.
Matthew Roberts was visibly shaken as though he had just been robbed. Roberts was upset.
“Now there’s no chance of knowing who my father is,” said Roberts. “That’s the only lead I had, so now I have no chance of meeting or knowing my biological father.”
Most people would be overjoyed to discover that Charles Manson wasn’t related to them, but Roberts now feels his 14-year search for a father has ended in a cul de sac, without definition and not sure where to go next.
Such is the power of wanting to know where we come from and trying to make sense of our present lives by knowing our past. For both men, the search continues.
CNN’s Michael Cary contributed to this report.
Two men relate to same haunting specter : Charles Manson
Cincinnati (CNN) – Charles Manson casts a long shadow. No one knows that better than his grandson, Jason Freeman, who is speaking out for the first time about growing up under, what he calls, a “family curse” started by Manson and his so-called “Manson family.”
“I’m personally, I’m coming out,” says the 6-foot-2 kickboxer and cage fighter. Freeman, whose father killed himself in 1993, is “coming out,” he says, because he wants the real Manson family to stop hiding from a name that still has the power to evoke fear.
Today, Freeman wants to understand his roots and himself a bit better, two things denied him as a child. He knew from a young age that Charles Manson was his grandfather, but it never registered till one day in eighth-grade history class, said Freeman. Our teacher “ … was talking about Charles Manson and I’m looking around like, are there people staring at me?”
Man: I may be Charles Manson’s son
Forbidden from talking about Charles Manson to his school friends lest they tease and taunt him, Freeman always felt different from the other kids. Even behind closed doors and with his own family, talk about Charles Manson was discouraged. He was not permitted to ask his grandmother, Rosalie, about Charles Manson, the man she married in 1955. It was a ghostly elephant roaming through his life.
More than anything, Freeman wants to connect with the father he knew only through an occasional letter or gift. He believes his father, who changed his name to Jay White, purposely stayed away from him, not wanting to tarnish his childhood in the same way his had been. “He just couldn’t let it go,” reckons Freeman. “He couldn’t live it down. He couldn’t live down who his father was.”
Jay White, who was cursed with the name Charles Manson Jr., killed himself on June 29, 1993, on a desolate section of highway in Burlington, Colorado, just west of the Kansas state line.
The death certificate offers few clues as to why there and what finally pushed him over the edge. The document indicates it was about 10:15 a.m. when he died from a “self inflicted gunshot wound to the head” at “exit 438 on interstate 70.”
Charles Manson’s grandson, Jason Freeman, provides a DNA sample to determine if another man is also related to Manson.
Freeman, who wrestles, fights and suffers the pain of tattoos in his off-time, makes a living working on oil rigs in western Pennsylvania. He is a classically tough guy. But when it comes to the father he never met and when he thinks of what he went through as a child, he tears up.
When asked what he’d like his father to know, Freeman gets emotional and, fighting back tears, he whispers, “I want him to know … he missed out on a lot.”
Specifically, he wishes his father were there to enjoy his grandchildren and see the life he has built for himself.
“I see my kids, you know, and that’s kinda where I get shook up,” he says the tears rolling. “I would hate to see them grow up without a father. That’s important. Very important.”
Freeman wishes he could reverse time and tell his father on the stretch of Interstate 70 back in June of 1993 that whatever he was feeling at the moment would pass and a better life lay ahead.
Another Manson offspring, another search
The desire to know one’s father and to understand oneself is the same force, the same primal instinct, driving Matthew Roberts, a 44-year-old Los Angeles musician. Roberts, who was adopted as an infant, sought out his birth parents in 1998.
Through an adoption agency, he found his birth mother; according to Roberts, she was a reclusive and psychologically troubled woman named Terri living in Wisconsin. As they got to know each other, Terri eventually dropped a small bomb on Roberts that set him on a 14-year search for his father.
Terri told him that Charles Manson was his father and that she had met Manson in San Francisco in 1967 at an orgy. He was one of four men there, and she was certain Manson had impregnated her.
Roberts didn’t believe her except that he looked shockingly similar to Manson.
He then wrote to Manson in prison, explaining the situation. To Robert’s surprise, prisoner B33920 wrote back. Manson, in his frantic style and chicken scratch penmanship, confirmed to Roberts that he was at the 1967 orgy and remembered his mother, Roberts said. He related stories that his mother had told him that only she, or his father, would know. What seemed like fantasy was fast becoming reality.
Roberts twice tried to get a DNA match with genetic material from Charles Manson, but the samples were contaminated.
But says Dr. Michael Baird, chief science officer at DNA Diagnostics Center in Fairfield, Ohio, there is another way to establish the family link. If Matthew Roberts and Jason Freeman are related, they will have an exact copy of Charles Manson’s Y chromosome. “The male line is easier to compare,” said Baird, “because the Y chromosome stands out so strong. We can get a very good correlation if the two are related.
So curious were both men to once and for all solve the mystery, CNN took the extraordinary step to have both men’s DNA taken and the results compared.
A match seemed likely.
Same members of notorious family?
The men seem predisposed to being related. Their lives run along parallel tracks.
Both are drawn to fame and fortune. Roberts is lead singer of a band called New Rising Son. Freeman is a fighter who goes by the name Freebird.
But both men have also had to settle for doing more conventional jobs to pay the bills. Freeman has his oil rig job; Roberts is a DJ at the Blue Zebra Cabaret in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley.
Both men have self-published their own books. Freeman’s "Knocking out the Devil” and Roberts’ “The First Rays of the New Rising Sun.”
 But the question remained: Is Charles Manson the common denominator in the lives of these two men?
It took DNA Diagnostic Center 48 hours to resolve a mystery that Roberts chased for 14 years. With both men in the same room, Baird told the men what they found.
“We did a battery of DNA tests. We studied your DNA along several points, and we have concluded you do not share a common biological ancestry.”
The news dropped on the room like a fact etched in lead. Jason Freeman exclaimed “holy cow.” Freeman hoped to gain an uncle and perhaps a bit more insight into his family and his father’s life.
Matthew Roberts was visibly shaken as though he had just been robbed. Roberts was upset.
“Now there’s no chance of knowing who my father is,” said Roberts. “That’s the only lead I had, so now I have no chance of meeting or knowing my biological father.”
Most people would be overjoyed to discover that Charles Manson wasn’t related to them, but Roberts now feels his 14-year search for a father has ended in a cul de sac, without definition and not sure where to go next.
Such is the power of wanting to know where we come from and trying to make sense of our present lives by knowing our past. For both men, the search continues.
CNN’s Michael Cary contributed to this report.
The Story Behind 
The Charles Manson Myth
American’s are programmed to think of Charles Manson as a sinister cult leader. When pictured in magazines or television programs, we see a man with wild hair, dark penetrating eyes, and a swastika etched in blood on his forehead. This image usually pops up on our television screens when the narrator of the story wishes to portray an evil stereotype such as serial killers, doomsday cult leaders or fanatics in general.
It’s been over 30 years since Manson’s so-called “family” forced their way into the home of famed Hollywood film maker Roman Polanski and his wife, actress Sharon Tate.
People old enough to remember the story know that four young women and one man who lived with Manson on an abandoned movie set in Death Valley, entered Polanski’s Los Angeles home on Aug. 8, 1969 and committed five gruesome murders.
Polanski was in Europe for a film shoot and survived the assault. Tate, who was eight-months pregnant, died of multiple stab wounds to the chest and back. The other guests were found shot, stabbed and clubbed multiple times. It was a bloody crime scene and the story shocked the nation. Tait and one of her guests were found hanging by ropes around their neck. A forensic report said they did not die from the hanging.
A few days after the Tate murders, the killers struck again, this time at the home of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles. The couple was also found stabbed to death multiple times. A knife and fork were left protruding from Leno LaBianca’s stomach.
Manson and five of his “followers,” Charles “Tex” Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Leslie Van Houten were convicted by a jury in 1970 on multiple counts of murder.
What is extraordinary about the case is that Manson was not present during any of the murders. The district attorney, 35-year-old Vincent T. Bugliosi, argued that Manson had created a religious cult and was controlling the minds of the family members around him. Bugliosi charged that Manson ordered the killings because he wanted to start a race war. It was a wild story and totally based on circumstantial evidence. There never has been any proof that Manson’s little hippie colony in the desert was involved in any kind religious practice. They were merely a group of social misfits and dropouts. Because of his dynamic personality, Manson played the role of the leader, but no one has ever proven the others worshipped him.
Before the trial began, the Manson case became a political issue. President Richard M. Nixon condemned Manson on public television, calling him a dangerous cult leader.
The case by this time was drawing national attention and there was the usual media frenzy. By the time the trial started, nearly everyone in the country knew the story and heard Nixon’s public allegations. The chances of a fair trial were almost nil.
The trial was a circus. Manson decided to defend himself. He was assisted by attorney Irving Kanarek, an older lawyer, and Ronald Hughes, a “hippie lawyer” who was officially representing Van Houten. Manson showed up on the opening day with a bloody cross slashed across his forehead. During the trial he got into an argument with Superior Court Judge Charles Older and said “somebody should cut your head off.” Paul Fitzgerald, lawyer for Krenwinkel, spent more time defending Manson than his own client. And Manson’s lawyer, Irving Kanarek, rambled on for days in a final statement. It ended when Manson to asked him to sit down.
When the prosecution rested and it was time for the defense to present its case, the lawyers stunned the court when they announced that the defense also rested. At that moment three of the women stood up and shouted that they wanted to testify. They said they committed the murders on their own and that Manson had nothing to do with it. One writer described their testimony as a “thin Manson ploy.”
Hughes, Van Houten’s lawyer, objected to the testimony. A few days later, Hughes disappeared and another lawyer had to be appointed to take his place. After the trial was over, Hughes’ body was found wedged among some rocks in a remote rural area. It was rumored that the Manson family murdered him. 
Even though he maintained his innocence, a jury found Manson guilty of ordering the Tait-LaBianca killings.
Manson and the others were sentenced to death. The sentence later was commuted to life when California laws were changed. At a later date, Manson and four other men, Robert Beausoleil, Charles Watson, Bruce Davis and Steve Grogan, were tried and convicted for the murders of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea. These two men were killed at separate times and in separate places. Again, Manson denies involvement in these murders.
Manson, now in his sixties, still remains behind bars. He lives in maximum security at California State Prison, Corcoran, California.
Because of the publicity surrounding the case, and the public sentiment that still prevails, nobody expects Manson to ever be released.
It is an odd twist to this story that Charles Manson seems to be where he wants to be. He has rarely known any other life style than the strictly disciplined and confining world of a prisoner. He has been quoted over and over again as saying he has no interest in being set free. That seems to be because Manson doesn’t know how to live in the fast-paced, dog-eat-dog society that exists outside of the prison walls.
The political tragedy of the Manson story was that he was turned into a national symbol of the hippie environmental movement. That amazing campaign among young America to save the environment was stopped cold in its tracks, largely because of the Manson case. The story was used by the slick national propaganda machine representing big business interests and magnified into much more than it was. Because the murders were committed by hippie types and involved famous Hollywood personalities, the story was skillfully used to generate public sentiment against the hippies and the environmental movement before it cost big industry a lot of money.
Thus when Charles Manson fell, he brought the entire hippie movement down with him. That date, Aug. 8, 1969, was a black milestone in world history. Since then, we have been obsessed with a new chemical industrial revolution, the world has been rushing wildly into overpopulation, and the destruction of the planet’s ecology has been devastating.
Anyone who doubts my words only needs to look at the dying life in our oceans, the destruction of our forests, the strange shifts in world weather patterns, and the ugly brown chemical haze that hangs over our landscape.
Because the last-ditch effort to save the planet was stopped, the world now stands condemned. Our planet is now dead and a record six billion people are struggling to stay alive on its corpse. We are already fighting over what is left of our natural resources. The excessive heat and violent storms looming this summer will only be the beginning of the planet’s judgment against the human race. The air and water are polluted. Soon food will be in critically short supply. We will be very lucky if any of us are still around in another 10 years.
Richard Nixon’s public condemnation of Manson was an evil act. When the final chapter is written, I believe the world will understand that no national leader, even Hitler, has done anything more despicable. By saying what he said, he helped turn the nation against not only Manson, but against the critically important ecology movement. He denied a man the right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. He denied the human race the chance to get itself under control and turn the world green again.
Yet to this day, Charles Manson is portrayed as the most dangerous person alive. Nothing could be farther from the truth. He’s not a saint, but Charles Manson has not been shown to be a killer either.
Manson once explained his perspective of the world. In a lengthy public statement to the court, on the day of his sentencing, he said:
“I never went to school, so I never growed up in the respect to learn to read and write so good. So I have stayed in jail and I have stayed stupid. I have stayed a child while I have watched your world grow up. And then I look at the things that you do and I don’t understand.
"I don’t understand the courts, and I don’t understand a lot of things that are brought against me. You invent stories, and everybody thinks what they do, and then they project it from the witness stand on the defendant as if that is what he did… 
"I don’t think like you people… I know that the only person I can judge is me. I judge what I have done and I judge what I do and I live with myself every day. I am content with myself.
"If you put me in the penitentiary, that means nothing because you kicked me out of the last one. I didn’t ask to get released. I liked it in there because I like myself. I like being with myself. In your world it’s hard because your understanding and your values are different.”
The Story Behind
The Charles Manson Myth
American’s are programmed to think of Charles Manson as a sinister cult leader. When pictured in magazines or television programs, we see a man with wild hair, dark penetrating eyes, and a swastika etched in blood on his forehead. This image usually pops up on our television screens when the narrator of the story wishes to portray an evil stereotype such as serial killers, doomsday cult leaders or fanatics in general.
It’s been over 30 years since Manson’s so-called “family” forced their way into the home of famed Hollywood film maker Roman Polanski and his wife, actress Sharon Tate.
People old enough to remember the story know that four young women and one man who lived with Manson on an abandoned movie set in Death Valley, entered Polanski’s Los Angeles home on Aug. 8, 1969 and committed five gruesome murders.
Polanski was in Europe for a film shoot and survived the assault. Tate, who was eight-months pregnant, died of multiple stab wounds to the chest and back. The other guests were found shot, stabbed and clubbed multiple times. It was a bloody crime scene and the story shocked the nation. Tait and one of her guests were found hanging by ropes around their neck. A forensic report said they did not die from the hanging.
A few days after the Tate murders, the killers struck again, this time at the home of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles. The couple was also found stabbed to death multiple times. A knife and fork were left protruding from Leno LaBianca’s stomach.
Manson and five of his “followers,” Charles “Tex” Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Leslie Van Houten were convicted by a jury in 1970 on multiple counts of murder.
What is extraordinary about the case is that Manson was not present during any of the murders. The district attorney, 35-year-old Vincent T. Bugliosi, argued that Manson had created a religious cult and was controlling the minds of the family members around him. Bugliosi charged that Manson ordered the killings because he wanted to start a race war. It was a wild story and totally based on circumstantial evidence. There never has been any proof that Manson’s little hippie colony in the desert was involved in any kind religious practice. They were merely a group of social misfits and dropouts. Because of his dynamic personality, Manson played the role of the leader, but no one has ever proven the others worshipped him.
Before the trial began, the Manson case became a political issue. President Richard M. Nixon condemned Manson on public television, calling him a dangerous cult leader.
The case by this time was drawing national attention and there was the usual media frenzy. By the time the trial started, nearly everyone in the country knew the story and heard Nixon’s public allegations. The chances of a fair trial were almost nil.
The trial was a circus. Manson decided to defend himself. He was assisted by attorney Irving Kanarek, an older lawyer, and Ronald Hughes, a “hippie lawyer” who was officially representing Van Houten. Manson showed up on the opening day with a bloody cross slashed across his forehead. During the trial he got into an argument with Superior Court Judge Charles Older and said “somebody should cut your head off.” Paul Fitzgerald, lawyer for Krenwinkel, spent more time defending Manson than his own client. And Manson’s lawyer, Irving Kanarek, rambled on for days in a final statement. It ended when Manson to asked him to sit down.
When the prosecution rested and it was time for the defense to present its case, the lawyers stunned the court when they announced that the defense also rested. At that moment three of the women stood up and shouted that they wanted to testify. They said they committed the murders on their own and that Manson had nothing to do with it. One writer described their testimony as a “thin Manson ploy.”
Hughes, Van Houten’s lawyer, objected to the testimony. A few days later, Hughes disappeared and another lawyer had to be appointed to take his place. After the trial was over, Hughes’ body was found wedged among some rocks in a remote rural area. It was rumored that the Manson family murdered him.
Even though he maintained his innocence, a jury found Manson guilty of ordering the Tait-LaBianca killings.
Manson and the others were sentenced to death. The sentence later was commuted to life when California laws were changed. At a later date, Manson and four other men, Robert Beausoleil, Charles Watson, Bruce Davis and Steve Grogan, were tried and convicted for the murders of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea. These two men were killed at separate times and in separate places. Again, Manson denies involvement in these murders.
Manson, now in his sixties, still remains behind bars. He lives in maximum security at California State Prison, Corcoran, California.
Because of the publicity surrounding the case, and the public sentiment that still prevails, nobody expects Manson to ever be released.
It is an odd twist to this story that Charles Manson seems to be where he wants to be. He has rarely known any other life style than the strictly disciplined and confining world of a prisoner. He has been quoted over and over again as saying he has no interest in being set free. That seems to be because Manson doesn’t know how to live in the fast-paced, dog-eat-dog society that exists outside of the prison walls.
The political tragedy of the Manson story was that he was turned into a national symbol of the hippie environmental movement. That amazing campaign among young America to save the environment was stopped cold in its tracks, largely because of the Manson case. The story was used by the slick national propaganda machine representing big business interests and magnified into much more than it was. Because the murders were committed by hippie types and involved famous Hollywood personalities, the story was skillfully used to generate public sentiment against the hippies and the environmental movement before it cost big industry a lot of money.
Thus when Charles Manson fell, he brought the entire hippie movement down with him. That date, Aug. 8, 1969, was a black milestone in world history. Since then, we have been obsessed with a new chemical industrial revolution, the world has been rushing wildly into overpopulation, and the destruction of the planet’s ecology has been devastating.
Anyone who doubts my words only needs to look at the dying life in our oceans, the destruction of our forests, the strange shifts in world weather patterns, and the ugly brown chemical haze that hangs over our landscape.
Because the last-ditch effort to save the planet was stopped, the world now stands condemned. Our planet is now dead and a record six billion people are struggling to stay alive on its corpse. We are already fighting over what is left of our natural resources. The excessive heat and violent storms looming this summer will only be the beginning of the planet’s judgment against the human race. The air and water are polluted. Soon food will be in critically short supply. We will be very lucky if any of us are still around in another 10 years.
Richard Nixon’s public condemnation of Manson was an evil act. When the final chapter is written, I believe the world will understand that no national leader, even Hitler, has done anything more despicable. By saying what he said, he helped turn the nation against not only Manson, but against the critically important ecology movement. He denied a man the right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. He denied the human race the chance to get itself under control and turn the world green again.
Yet to this day, Charles Manson is portrayed as the most dangerous person alive. Nothing could be farther from the truth. He’s not a saint, but Charles Manson has not been shown to be a killer either.
Manson once explained his perspective of the world. In a lengthy public statement to the court, on the day of his sentencing, he said:
“I never went to school, so I never growed up in the respect to learn to read and write so good. So I have stayed in jail and I have stayed stupid. I have stayed a child while I have watched your world grow up. And then I look at the things that you do and I don’t understand.
"I don’t understand the courts, and I don’t understand a lot of things that are brought against me. You invent stories, and everybody thinks what they do, and then they project it from the witness stand on the defendant as if that is what he did…
"I don’t think like you people… I know that the only person I can judge is me. I judge what I have done and I judge what I do and I live with myself every day. I am content with myself.
"If you put me in the penitentiary, that means nothing because you kicked me out of the last one. I didn’t ask to get released. I liked it in there because I like myself. I like being with myself. In your world it’s hard because your understanding and your values are different.”
Abraxas Devil
“The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was ‘Abrasax’ (?ß?asa?), the spelling of 'Abraxas’ seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration. The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.”
Abraxas Devil
“The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was ‘Abrasax’ (?ß?asa?), the spelling of 'Abraxas’ seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration. The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.”
To Marilyn Manson
It’s taken me a long time to get there from where I could touch M. Manson. Now I got a card to play – you may look into my non-profit, ATWA, and give Manson what you think he’s got coming for Air, Trees, Water, and you. Or I will pay Manson what you think Manson got coming – the music has make Manson into Abraxas Devil, and I’m SURE you would want some of what I got from what I got. It’s a far out balance. Beyond good and bad, right, wrong. What you don’t do is what I will do – what you did a sing-along, and let it roll and said how you saved me a lot of steps – I don’t need, it’s not a need or a want. Couped – coup. Ghost dancers slay together and you’re just in my grave Sunstroker Corona-coronas-coronae – you seen me from under with it all standing on me. That’s 2 dump trucks – doing the same as CMF 000007
To Marilyn Manson
It’s taken me a long time to get there from where I could touch M. Manson. Now I got a card to play – you may look into my non-profit, ATWA, and give Manson what you think he’s got coming for Air, Trees, Water, and you. Or I will pay Manson what you think Manson got coming – the music has make Manson into Abraxas Devil, and I’m SURE you would want some of what I got from what I got. It’s a far out balance. Beyond good and bad, right, wrong. What you don’t do is what I will do – what you did a sing-along, and let it roll and said how you saved me a lot of steps – I don’t need, it’s not a need or a want. Couped – coup. Ghost dancers slay together and you’re just in my grave Sunstroker Corona-coronas-coronae – you seen me from under with it all standing on me. That’s 2 dump trucks – doing the same as CMF 000007